Tet Baulrawer
Lawfully inclined Fightin'-Hobbet.
Enormously fat and heavy.
niggly back from once over-exerting himself loading turnips.
S:13 I:9 W:4 Co:13 D:10 Ch:13
XP = 947xp
Gold = 11 gp (starting finds) + 89 gp = 100 gp.
Mail, shield, helm,
Spear, dagger, sling,
Hooded cloak,
Smoking pipe, pouch of pipeweed,
Pouch of markbles,
Red and blue kerchief,
6 5 torches,
7 6 days of food:
6/7th portion remaining of: a dozen seed cakes, four pork pies, two egg and bacon sandwiches, wheel of goats cheese, two loaves of rye bread, half a leg of salted ham, jar of pickles, jar of hard boiled eggs, slab of butter, cold roast chicken, three dried fried kippers, bunch of grapes, six apples, four tomatoes, two pears, a half-dozen scones, strawberry jam, pot of cream.
Trail pan, pot, plate, cutlery.
Missus Pebble's Turnip Schnapps (equivalent to a potion of cure light wounds).
Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak,
lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges;