The Fifth Adventure

Mushgnome's Hobbet-centric PBP

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Post by acodispo » Fri Aug 13, 2021 12:48 pm

Re: The Fifth Adventure

Yes, let's take care of the fennec lair before we explore the rubble-filled area. We'll advance till we can see them, loose a sling volley, then Dame S & Wilbur hold the line while the slingers switch ranks & re-arm for melee.
[f=47]Wilibald "Willie" Whitfoot, F1/T1 (M 12", AC 6, HD 1+2, hp 9/9, L) gambeson+helm, shield+warhammer[/f]
[f=59]Witherun [Agile Hero, MV 12′′, AC 6, HD 4, hp 16, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, L] hide+helm, shield+dagger or bow[/f]

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Post by kipper » Fri Aug 13, 2021 2:18 pm

Re: The Fifth Adventure


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Post by mushgnome » Fri Aug 13, 2021 4:16 pm

Re: The Fifth Adventure

Turn 21

The party encounter the remaining 4 fennec. Their body language is different than when they attacked our heroes in the mush room: their ears aren't perked up at high alert, and their hackles are not raised in anger.

The fennec call out, and a dozen young fennec come scampering out of a hole in the south wall. They all make a made dash for the eastern tunnel, running toward area 17.

Do you fire your slings at the fleeing cave-fennec, or do you let them escape? Does anyone want to explore south into the fox-hole? It's a 'tight squeeze crawl' type of situation.

I rule that the fennec's morale check is at -2 due to being defeated once already at the hands of the party.

They roll 2d6-2=4 and abandon their lair rather than fight to the death.
[f=59]Stern (Strong Hero, MV 9′′, AC 3, HD 4, hp 20, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, L)[/f]

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Post by mgtremaine » Fri Aug 13, 2021 4:50 pm

Re: The Fifth Adventure

Kiplyn holds his stone back not willing to chase down the fleeing creatures... He is however interested in the den and would approach cautiously...
[f=4]Wen the Pale, Elf Hero/Spellbinder (MV 12", AC 9, HD 4/2, hp 11/11, FC Hero, L) helm, bow[/f]
[f=47]Kiplyn Sorefoot, Hobbet Thief (Lv: 4 AC: 5 Hp 12) Leather+Shield+Dagger, Sling[/f]
[f=59]Tass Purrfoot (Agile Hobbet Varlet, MV 9′′, AC 7, HD 2, hp 8, FC 2 men, SV T7, N)[/f]

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Post by mushgnome » Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:29 pm

Re: The Fifth Adventure

Kiplyn doesn't hear a peep from the fennec den.
Listen roll 1d6=5, success due to Hobbet racial ability.

Kiplyn's mercy is rewarded! The party receives the full 400 experience points for the 4 fennec. "Defeating" a monster does not always mean slaying it. Do you approve of your DM's ruling?
[f=59]Stern (Strong Hero, MV 9′′, AC 3, HD 4, hp 20, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, L)[/f]

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Post by mushgnome » Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:31 pm

Re: The Fifth Adventure

OOC: Good news everyone! I found us a druid. Longtime odd74 forum member dtspurrier will be joining our Adventure at the next interlude. He and I were both part of makofan's game (on the odd74 forum) where my PC was Original Frederick, the ancestor of our current Pancake Frederick. Please help me give dtspurrier a warm Hobbet Heroes welcome! We will work him into the game on the party's next trip to the surface world.

With the fennec plus the amber plus the Cthulhu idol, I think the party hits their XP goal. (Assuming they can make it out of the dungeon alive, without any wandering monster encounters.)
[f=59]Stern (Strong Hero, MV 9′′, AC 3, HD 4, hp 20, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, L)[/f]

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Post by kipper » Sat Aug 14, 2021 12:42 am

Re: The Fifth Adventure

Dame Simonetta remains on guard while Kiplyn investigates the den.
Sounds good, let's not forget to collect our stashed loot on the way back too!

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Post by mgtremaine » Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:56 pm

Re: The Fifth Adventure

Kiplyn makes his way into the den to have look at around. "I bet I get fleas from this"
Welcome @dtspurrier to the fun house!
[f=4]Wen the Pale, Elf Hero/Spellbinder (MV 12", AC 9, HD 4/2, hp 11/11, FC Hero, L) helm, bow[/f]
[f=47]Kiplyn Sorefoot, Hobbet Thief (Lv: 4 AC: 5 Hp 12) Leather+Shield+Dagger, Sling[/f]
[f=59]Tass Purrfoot (Agile Hobbet Varlet, MV 9′′, AC 7, HD 2, hp 8, FC 2 men, SV T7, N)[/f]

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Post by mushgnome » Sun Aug 15, 2021 3:08 pm

Re: The Fifth Adventure

Turn 22

Kiplyn wastes a turn exploring the fennec hole and finds nothing but fleas. Sadly it would seem the cave fennec have no eye for treasure. Whoever originally made this lair was a good digger! Kiplyn has his doubts that the fennec would be able to dig through solid bedrock; he speculates they may have taken over an abandoned tunnel as their own.

What next, Hobbetses? You're near an unexplored rubble-filled area #32, your treasure is stashed in #21, Willie has enough XP to level-up, and there's a new Hero waiting on the surface to join the game.

[f=59]Stern (Strong Hero, MV 9′′, AC 3, HD 4, hp 20, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, L)[/f]

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Post by kipper » Sun Aug 15, 2021 4:43 pm

Re: The Fifth Adventure

From a purely meta-gaming perspective, let's collect the stash from #21 and return to the surface. We can do more exploring when we come back with our new druid.

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