Highbough the Grey Elf

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Post by mushgnome » Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:24 pm

Highbough the Grey Elf

.~-= Highbough the Cypher =-~.

Biology : Elf Male
Alignment : Neutral

Class & Levels : Warlock 3 Eidolon
Experience Points : 146
XP Bonus : +8%
Hit Dice : 1d6+1
Hit Points : 4

Armour Class : 7 (leather)
Saving Throw : 15

Highbough the Cypher is an ancient and enigmatic Elf. Old (even for an Elf) and frail, he is but a shell of his former self. He has forgotten more eldritch mysteries than most learn in a lifetime. Yet, his mind is still sharp, and his heart beats with the pulse of battle when roused to action.

STR : 13 (--) (4 in 6)
INT : 13 (--) (4 in 6)
WIS : 15 (+1) (4 in 6)
DEX : 12 (--) (3 in 6)
CON : 5 (-1) (1 in 6)
CHA : 14 (+1) (4 in 6)

Cloak of Elemental Night (When he pulls the black hood over his head he will be rendered invisible, but this magic will function but once in every full moon, and not at all in full day daylight.)
1 week rations
Leather armor (light hide)
1 dagger
Bedroll and winter blanket
Parchment, ink, and steel-nibbed quill
Satchel, waxed (for spellbook)
Scroll case, wooden
Candles, 12
1 flask oil
Chalk, 24 pc

0 gp
8 sp
5 cp

Mem(X) Use() The Acclivitous Smaze
Mem(X) Use( ) The Trammel
Mem() Use( ) The Rhyme of Exiguous Glamour
Mem(X) Use( ) Highbough's Torrefaction

Highbough also possesses The Infernal Amicus, an ancient tome bound between thick covers of black velvet, and held fast by a silver buckle upon a belt of supple black suede.

The Infernal Amicus contains three magic spells penned in the infernal script which, it is said, will blind the casual reader.

The Acclivitous Smaze
Creates a stair of curling smoke which will support the magic-user's weight and always rises several steps ahead of him as those behind him vanish. Thus, the magic-user is able to scale sheer surfaces or to climb into the open air with relative ease. The Acclivitous Smaze will last so long as the magic-user stands upon it, or until it is dispelled. It is undone by gusting winds, or if the magic-user is struck.

The Trammel
Shuts and magically bars any one portal until the caster next rests or until dispelled. The magic-user may open a portal so barred by himself at any time, automatically ending the dweomer. Other magic-using creatures have a 1 in 6 chance for each Hit Dice (or level) they have of dispelling the magic simply by attempting to open the portal.

The Rhyme of Exiguous Glamour
Creates an illusion of any form the magic-user desires up to a Man-like volume or bulk per caster level. The glamour must augment something real, or else be limited in some significant way (e.g., sound only, silent image, two-dimensional image) if it is entirely fictitious. The glamour is animated only so long as the magic-user is nearby and concentrates upon it, otherwise it is absolutely still. Anyone examining the glamour closely, or in full daylight, may test his wisdom to see through it, and if successful he may dispel the illusion simply by touching it. Otherwise the magic lasts until dismissed or the magic-user next rests.

Highbough's Torrefaction (2nd level):

At the sweep of a hand metal heats to a glowing red-orange hot. Swords, helms, shields, rings and so on can be thrown down immediately to avoid harm, but worn armour cannot be stripped so quickly, and deals 1d6 points of burning damage per round. Fortunately, light, medium or heavy armour will sear through its leather straps and belts and fall off within 1, 2 or 3 rounds respectively.

A metal mass equal to 2d6 cloves +1 clove per caster level will be affected (swords, shields, helms and so on weigh 1 clove each, light armour weighs 2 cloves, medium armour 4 cloves and heavy armour 6 cloves). The least mass of metal is always affected first, though the heat will last for as long as the caster concentrates and must cool for a full turn thereafter. Ordinary soft metals (lead, silver, gold and the like) will begin to melt after three rounds of heating.
[f=59]Stern (Strong Hero, MV 9′′, AC 3, HD 4, hp 20, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, L)[/f]

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