That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.
-H.P. Lovecraft
DEEPER ARKHAM will be Part 3 of my Arkham Saga: a “weird New England” setting, centered around the Lovecraft-inspired town of Arkham and surrounding locales such as Dunwich, Innsmouth, and Kingsport. Get ready for tales of horror, haunted houses, dark sorcery, spirit-crushing human insignificance, and sanity-squashing Great Old Ones from beyond space and time!!!
Our rules set will be the Delving Deeper Online Reference Rules (available for free right here: ). My strong preference is to play rules-as-written and not introduce additional house rules, except as they prove absolutely necessary.
If you've never gamed with me before and want to see what you'd be in for, have a peek at The Deep Arkham Show: ... eep-arkham
Those of you who participated in Deep Arkham will have the option to carry over your existing PC (fully healed, and perhaps with one or two minor tweaks that we can discuss by PM) or to create a new PC from scratch; your choice.
Based on player feedback and my own impressions as DM, Deeper Arkham will slightly differ from Deep Arkham as follows: more dungeon delving, more action, less town time, less politics, less sandbox style, more railroad style, higher challenge level, higher PC mortality rate, fewer TV tropes, and better record-keeping by the DM. (For example, I will be instituting a public google spreadsheet for keeping careful track of xp, treasure, rations, torches/oil, encumbrance, etc.)
Special thanks to
waysoftheearth for generously agreeing to host our continuing adventures here on the official
Delving Deeper forums!
Our first adventure will be
The Cabin In The Woods, in which PC's travel to the haunted forest west of Arkham to investigate the abandoned (?) home of the Carter family. Is anyone interested?