The Cast

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Post by waysoftheearth » Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:35 pm

The Cast

waysoftheearth wrote:
ehiker133 wrote:Updated and ready to go, WOTE.
Very good, Ehiker. I'll get you started shortly...
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:53 pm

The Cast

ehiker133 wrote:
No problem! Thanks!
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:04 pm

The Cast

Valandil wrote:
.~-= Percenier Veillantif=-~.

Biology : Man (Male)
Alignment : Neutral

Class & Levels : Fighter 1 (Marksmen)
Experience Points : 0
XP Bonus : 0%?
Hit Dice : 1d6+3
Hit Points : 8

Armour Class : AC is 6/6 (front/rear) (leather armour, shield on back)
Saving Throw : 16 (+2 fortitude saves)

Born and raised in a city-state far away from these lands. Trying to avoid the dull and boring life of a common man, like his parents and brothers, he joined a mercenary guild, where he trained in the use of arms in general, but exceded with the crossbow. He was hired here and there within the city, but mostly for guarding duties. This taught him to be vigilant, but also made quite paranoid (low Wis FTW!).

Some time ago, they replaced the captain of the guard with the son of a local man of power. One day, while guarding on a watchtower, the new "captain" showed up for an inspection. It was raining, so Percenier had un-stringed his weapon, as every crossbowmen knows that water damages a pulled string. The young captain didn't knew a thing about weapon maintenace, but still said that Percenier was "not fullfilling his duties", and that he was "a step away from being a desertor". Even though he tried to explain the young noble about rain and strings, the captain said that he would be punished by whip. At that point, Percenier lost his mind (low wis again) and punched the overly-proud lad, knocking him unconscious (or worse). Without hesitation, he fled the city inmediatly, and travelled for weeks with only one goal in mind: get as far away from his homeland as he could. Now, broke and without any friends or relatives nearby, he's willing to take any job that coud earn him a meal, and if possible, a new start.

(His real name is not Percenier Veillantif ("Warrior-Piercer", "Little Vigilant"), he took this new name to avoid being found.)

STR : 12 (--) (2 in 6)
INT : 11 (--) (2 in 6)
WIS : 7 (-1) (1 in 6)
DEX : 16 (+1) (4 in 6)
CON : 9 (--) (2 in 6)
CHA : 8 (--) (1 in 6)


Leather (light hide), 12sp
Shield, wooden, 9 sp

Crossbow, 33sp
Arrows or bolts, score, 8sp
Bolt case or quiver on belt, 2sp
Dagger, 2sp
Pick, 3sp
Masterfully crafted bejewelled dagger (stolen from Oscar)

Backpack (empty),
Rations, 1 week
Bedroll, 3sp
Sack (empty), 3cp
Torches, 6, 6cp
Coin purse


1 sp
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Post by waysoftheearth » Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:51 pm

The Cast

verhaden wrote:
.~-= Mads (the Enlightened) =-~.

Biology : Man
Alignment : Neutral

Class & Levels : Warlock, 1
Experience Points : 824
XP Bonus : 0%
Hit Dice : 1d6+2
Hit Points : 6

Armour Class : 6/7 (Leather armor, Dexterity)
Saving Throw : 15 (+2 vs wands, staves, and spells)

Languages : Common, Archaic, X, X

Mads the Enlightened is a dry, self-contemplating practitioner of the Arts. He is obsessive and oft paranoid, roaming the Hinterlands in search of the Origin. Mads believes, nay, knows, that he is but one of many. They are all separate and distinct--part of a whole?--yet cast from the same die.

He has discovered naught but fleeting whispers on the wind. Of late, rumors of a Fair warrior have brought him to Ket...

STR : 08 (--) (1 in 6)
INT : 15 (+1) (3 in 6)
WIS : 13 (--) (3 in 6)
DEX : 15 (+1) (3 in 6)
CON : 12 (--) (2 in 6)
CHA : 07 (-1) (1 in 6)

Pouch, belt
Rations, trail, 1 week
Satchel, waxed
Scroll case, leather
Water skin, 1 quart

Leather armor (AC 2)
Short sword, 2dd

His boon is a 4" diameter glass magnifying lens.

Clothing: belt; boots, calf; shirt; skirt; waxed cloak

9 sp
Merchant's purse (17 sp)

The Arts
Memorized Spell Capacity: 2 (Level + Intelligence)
Known Spell Capacity: 3 (Wisdom)

Carrying three (3) scrolls:

The Proposterous Foment: 2d6 hit dice +1 hit dice per caster level worth of creatures with normal hearing must save versus a concussive blast of sound or be stunned for a full round. Even those that save are deafened for 1d6 rounds. Creature with especially sharp ears save at -4, and ordinary animals may be panicked at the referee's discretion. Torches are 2 in 6 likely to be extinguished, candles 4 in 6. The spell is indiscriminate, affecting friend and foe alike.

The Genuflect Yaw: 2d6 hp +1 hp per caster level worth of timber equipment is comprehensively warped and ruined by a mere gesture. If the caster can touch the object to be so careened he instead rolls 4d6. A stout wooden door has 12 hp, or 20 hp if reinforced with iron bindings. Shields, spears, crossbows and the like have 2 hp. Arrows have but 1 hp each. Missiles affected in flight (due to simultaneous initiative) suffer a -4 attack penalty.

The Eerie Lambent: This spell creates a host of 1d6 + caster level animated, levitating candle flames. The Eerie Lambent moves as a whole where magic-user desires, darting back and forth at pace, turning corners and navigating openings. It may attract attention, frighten animals, illuminate a passage, and so on, but winks out of existence if ever it strays further than 100ft from the caster or when the caster rests or is hit.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

Posts: 416
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Post by doctorx » Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:16 pm

The Cast

doctorx wrote:
.~-= Josiane the Guided, the Vagabond Knight =-~.

Biology : Human maiden
Alignment : Lawful

Class & Levels : Templar 3
Experience Points : 4 064
XP Bonus : +6%
Hit Dice : 3+2 (3 for 3rd level Templar, +2 for 9 constitution)

Hit Points : 12

Armour Class : 5/7 (Front AC5: leather(7), dex, shield. Rear AC7: leather)

Saving Throw : 13, +2 vs Poison/Death.

She knows the Illiberal and Empyrean tongues.

A foundling child, abandoned at the Well of Tamarae, a Saint of the Guardian Path, (although some claim she was a Goddess of Healing in her own right in olden times). Found by Sir Jehan the Venturous, Knight of the Guardian Path, who considered her a sign from his God (ignoring the local chatter that €˜unexpected€™ babes were often abandoned at the Well €˜in the protection of the Saint.€™) He placed her in the care of a convent to be raised as a healer. He was more than a little surprised when some twelve years later the teenage Josiane appeared (having been asked to leave the convent after discomfiting the Mother Superior in a discussion about faith, poverty and why exactly an institution meant to serve the poor tithed them so heavily for their services). She claimed that in a dream €˜her white lady€™ had told her to seek him out and serve as his squire. This she did for five years, learning martial skills to complement her healing arts. When Sir Jehan finally fell in battle with a terrible winged serpent, his last wish was that his foster-daughter be admitted to the Order of the Guardian Path. This the Knight Marshal scornfully refused, citing her sex and her (probably) dubious birth. With naught but the meanest of equipment and her adopted father€™s sword, she was told to take to the road €œas befitting the vagabond thou art.€

Josiane showed no discomfort, seemingly listening to another voice no-one else could hear.

€œI came here to be a knight. I leave as a vagabond. So be it €“ the Vagabond Knight I shall be...€

Josiane, for all her humble appearance, is committed to upholding the ideals of knighthood, doing good deeds and giving succour to those in need. However, she champions the poor in a decidedly un-knightly way and takes no joy in combat, fighting defensively where she can and trying patiently to persuade her opponents to see the error of their ways. (Unless the enemy is clearly of demonic/Undead origin €“ then she fights to kill and fiercely so). She is also convinced that her actions and fate are being guided and directed by €˜her white lady€™ who speaks to her in her dreams. She spends a fair amount of time looking for portends/signs in any given situation, seeking divine guidance, and frequently gives the impression of being only partly aware of events at hand, a part of her in communion with an unseen world of spirits and angels that few are privileged (if you call it that) to share...

STR : 13 (-0) (3 in 6)
INT : 11 (-0) (2 in 6)
WIS : 14 (+1) (3 in 6)
DEX : 15 (+1) (3 in 6)
CON : 09 (-0) (2 in 6)
CHA : 14 (+1) (3 in 6)

Boon: Josiane's boon is a curious silver coin of an unknown minting. Upon one side is printed a balance scale, upon the other the face of an owl. Sir Jehan, her mentor, occasionally trusted it in making choices, and made weight of its supposed "powers" to her before in untimely demise.
Leather (Light Hide).
Wooden Shield.(Painted plain white, no symbol €“ she is waiting for the Saint to show her the emblem she is to carry in her name).
Sword. (The fair blade of her stepfather, Sir Jehan the Venturous, bequeathed to her on his death).
Holy Symbol. (The Enigma of Thuul, but suspended in a crystal vial of water from the well of St. Tamarae).
Water skin.
Coin purse.
A garlic bud.
The Empyrean Scriptures.

0 cp

I The Supplication of Medicant Requite : Restore 1d6 hp +1 hp per two caster levels. This spell takes a full turn to administer and requires the recipient to imbibe a draft of the purest water or finest wine.

I The Fiat Libation: Causes 1d6 +1 Hit Dice per level of lawful creatures to obey the caster's abrupt (one word) fiat for one turn. Those of neutral alignment are allowed a save, while those of chaotic alignment are allowed a save at +4.

I The Sacrosanct Soliloquy: Creatures of diabolical evil (demons, the undead, and so on) must make a successful saving throw to attack or even approach within 10ft. If failed they cannot approach for a full turn, unless provoked. The spell continues for so long as the caster continues to utter the soliloquy and brandish a Holy symbol.

I The Inviolable Tranquillity: A volume of space approximately 10ft in radius about a touched object or point is deadened to all sound so that conversation is impossible, spells cannot be cast, command words cannot be spoken, and no noise can escape. The tranquillity lasts for a turn per level of the caster, or until dismissed.

I The Righteous Evangelist: Causes a normal-sized weapon (such as a mace or sword, or quiver of arrows) to be considered "magical" for the purposes of whether certain supernatural creatures can be harmed. The blessing will affect up to one weapon for every two experience levels of the caster and lasts for an hour.

II The Succor of Anathema Demurred: The onset of any one poison is delayed by one full day per level of the caster, up to at most one day for each point of constitution the subject has.

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Post by sully » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:07 pm

The Cast

sulldawga wrote:
.~-= Dorgan the Sinister =-~.

Biology : Dwarf male
Alignment : Lawful

Class & Levels : Fighter 3
Experience Points : 9,403
XP Bonus : 5%
Hit Dice : 2d6+6
Hit Points : 19

Armour Class : 4/6 (ringmail)
Saving Throw : 13

Dorgan, son of Dorgamond, of the clan Halfshield, is new to the adventuring game. His clan's dwarves are known for being struck with wanderlust like a fool halfling1 and now, it is Dorgan's turn to see the world.

He started life as a thief-taker but, the dwarven race being mainly composed of Lawful folk, quickly moved into the lands of Men seeking more lucrative employ. Spending time as a bouncer, caravan guard, even a tax collector, brought him some coin but no personal satisfaction2. Carrying not much besides the possessions on his person and a bit of a reputation among the lesser lights of the capital city3, he's set sights on the Hinterlands for adventure and riches!

1 the Halfshield name is not a literal translation from the Dwarven tongue but a derogatory slur resulting from a time when the King Under The Mountain called on his thanes for troops to expel an orc incursion and the clan had only half the required number available, due to the number of shieldbearers gone wandering, sightseeing, caravan-ing, etc...

2 there's only so many times a farmer can spit on your boots before the profession of tax collection loses some of its urbane luster.

3 his appellation "the Sinister" is a reference to his left-handedness but its other meaning is useful enough for putting fear (or at least a bit of doubt) into his opponents

STR : 14 (+1) (3 in 6)
INT : 09 (--) (2 in 6)
WIS : 08 (--) (1 in 6)
DEX : 09 (--) (2 in 6)
CON : 16 (+1) (4 in 6)
CHA : 13 (--) (3 in 6)

Dagger (2)
Grumolg's "letter-opener" dagger
Vial of poison(?)
Belt pouch (for sling stones)
Oiled Cloak
Grappling Hook
60' Rope (hemp)
Chalk (24)
Iron Spikes (12)
Sack (2, one empty and one containing his possessions)
Outfit of clothing (1)
Garlic (1 bud)
Grumolg's purse
Tobacco box

4 cp

Dorgan's boon shall be a masterfully crafted hip flask containing a fine 40 year old Dwarfish spirit. A single nip of the stuff is enough to invigorate a weary Dwarf. There are 7 nips remaining (as of 5/19/13).
Thanis [Stealthy Hero, MV 12′′, AC 7, HD 4, hp 16, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, N]. Hooded cloak, padded armor, sword, longbow +1 & quiver of arrows, dagger.

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Post by waysoftheearth » Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:55 am

The Cast

rleduc wrote:
.~-= Guntrum the Thick =-~.

Biology : Human
Alignment : Lawful

Class & Levels : Fighter 1
Experience Points : 0
XP Bonus : 6%
Hit Dice : 1d6+2+3
Hit Points : 9

Armour Class : 5 Front, 6 Rear (Hide armor and shield)
Saving Throw : 16

Guntram is the son of serfs working the land of a knight, Ser Dirk Falko, whose fief lies near the bustling city of Maine, two weeks journey to the east of Ket. He is large and stout, with bushy dark hair, but a beard with a reddish tinge. His epithet may be either a testament to his pillar-like physique or to his slightly slower than average wit. Those who think him slow on his feet, however, are likely to be surprised by his quickness and ease of movement.

At a young age, he was apprenticed to the gamekeeper at the baronial estate where his duties consisted of warding off poachers, maintaining hedgerows and fences, and other duties beyond the strength of the aged gamekeeper. His friends among the common soldiers of the Falco's guard would spar with him and teach him combat skills in exchange for small game from his allotment awarded by virtue of his position. He would also hear tales of adventures beyond the fief from soldiers who accompanied Ser Falko or his sons on trips to court.

As a teenager, he was awarded a sword by Sir Falko as thanks for capturing several poachers single-handed. The sword belonged to one of the poachers, and is a broadsword made in the northern fashion -- the blade being widest just before its point -- with the initials E.J.D. graven upon both sides of the steel near to the hilt. In so doing, he earned the enmity of a local clan of ne'er-do-wells and petty thieves, the Dracovichs, to whom the poachers belonged. Later, when the gamekeeper retired, this clan set up a successful whispering campaign through the village that Guntram was a simpleton and not to be trusted with a post of responsibility. After being passed over for promotion to gamekeeper, Guntram gave his notice and set off for the open road in search of adventures of his own.

STR : 16 (+1) (4 in 6)
INT : 07 (-1) (1 in 6)
WIS : 09 (--) (2 in 6)
DEX : 13 (--) (3 in 6)
CON : 13 (--) (3 in 6)
CHA : 08 (--) (1 in 6)

1 week victuals
water skin
coin purse

Hide armor
wooden shield

His boon is a bag of magic beans, won in a bet with one Gregoire. Gregoire accused Guntrum of cheating, receiving a broken nose in the resulting scuffle. Guntrum is sure Gregoire seeks him still.

1 sp
16 cp
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Post by waysoftheearth » Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:10 pm

The Cast

tombowings wrote:
.~-= Dr. Wolfrick Bringerderfunken (the doctor) =-~.

Biology : Man
Alignment : Neutral

Class & Levels : Alchemist 1
Experience Points : 0
XP Bonus : None
Hit Dice : 1d4+1
Hit Points : 4

Armour Class : 9
Saving Throw : 14 (+2 vs. wands, staves and poisons)

Dr. Wolfrick Bringerderfunken would prefer to think of himself as the most diabolical mad-scientist the Hinterlands - and soon everywhere else - has ever seen. There's just one problem: he has nerves of rubber and a heart of gold. Dr. Wolfrick is awkward and nervous around females, authority figures, etc. and is often overly excited and a bit of a blabber-mouth when it comes to his newest plans for world domination.

STR : 09 (-1) (2 in 6)
INT : 15 (-1) (3 in 6)
WIS : 14 (--) (3 in 6)
DEX : 12 (--) (2 in 6)
CON : 08 (--) (1 in 6)
CHA : 07 (-1) (1 in 6)


Glass vials, 6
Parchment, 6 leaves
Quill, steel
Ink, 1 ounce
Satchel, waxed
The Contriver's Codex

4 gp
5 sp
17 cp

Mem(X) Use(X) None (yet)

The Dissimulation: This formulae results in a bizarre paint which changes colour to match its surroundings. If an object (or person) is thus painted it (or he)will become difficult to notice until the paint is washed off with water. Objects so treated become are concealed or secret, only being spotted 2 times in 6 (or 4 times is 6 by Elves or thieves). A person so coated will be able to hide as does a thief (but cannot automatically move silently). The paint will begin to flake off a person with natural movement and bending, being effective for up to an hour or normal activity.
Stock: 1 tiny jar

The Importune Ambrosia: This clear, vaguely sticky liquid can be painted onto or poured over objects (or persons). Once exposed to air it will quickly attract an inordinate number of crawling, flying and biting insects to itself. Unfortunately, when tasted, it will drive the insects into an angry or agitated state until they are driven away by smoke or fire, or the ambrosia is washed away with water or vinegar. The insects are chiefly a distraction and an annoyance, causing 1 hp of bites each round that a victim does not spend swatting them away. Lasts one turn.
Stock: 1 vial

The Picayune Automaton: this tiny clockwork contrivance requires jeweller's and locksmith's tools to construct, and also particular raw materials. Even so it may take weeks of work to build and will have a lifetime mileage of 2d6 score yards + 1 score yards per level of the caster. It is a wind-up insect or rodent like automaton with a clockwork heart. It is MV 6" AC 7 HD 1/4 and has the ability to navigate, observe, listen, and report (via a tapping code), to its creator. Its creator must instil it with a single purpose at the time of its construction, although it may be stored indefinitely and wound up for use at a later time.

The Tegumental Formulae: This formulae enables the alchemist to construct a sand like dust, which when cast upon a hard surface will increase in volume a thousand fold and spill into a bank of thick vapours which fill 2d6 10ft cubes +1 10ft cube per alchemist level, reshaping itself to fill available space as necessary. The tegument does not hinder movement but obscures all sight beyond 20ft in daylight, or 10ft otherwise. Within the cloud melee attacks are penalised by €“2 and missile attacks are virtually impossible, but hiding is made simple. The tegument gradually thins and vanishes altogether within an hour unless blown away sooner.
Stock: 3 Pinches
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Post by waysoftheearth » Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:42 pm

The Cast

waysoftheearth wrote:
Very good Tombowings ;D

I'll get Wulfric started off in Ket shortly.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

Posts: 16921
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Post by waysoftheearth » Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:12 pm

The Cast

tombowings wrote:
.~-= Dugel the Firebreather =-~.

Biology : Dwarf
Alignment : Neutral

Class & Levels : Wizard 1
Experience Points : 0
XP Bonus : 6% (not sure if this is right)
Hit Dice : 1d4+4
Hit Points : 7

Armour Class : 9/9
Saving Throw : 13

Despite his gifted intellect and a cunning nose, Dugel trained as a dwarven jester in the halls of King Barin IV. Clumsier as a sack of potatoes, Dugel was dismissed from his position after mastering only the art of fire breathing, nearly losing an arm for spilling a goblet of ale all over King Barin€™s favorite bearded niece.

Dugel escaped, fleeing down into the depths of the earth where he trod upon a stone inscription older than great sleeping dragon, from which after a years and a month of diligent study and nothing to eat of giant spiders and lamp worms, he cracks the spells of the dwarven runes.

STR : 09 (--) (2 in 6)
INT : 14 (+1) (3 in 6)
WIS : 13 (--) (3 in 6)
DEX : 08 (--) (1 in 6)
CON : 16 (+1) (4 in 6)
CHA : 11 (--) (2 in 6)

Hooded Lantern
Hand Axe

Belt Pouch
Glass Vials (1 oz), 3
Firewater, 2 vials
Metal Hand Mirror
Chalk, 24 pieces

Leather Backpack
Lantern Oil (3)
1 Week€™s Victuals
Water Skin

Copper Scroll Case
Parchment, 6 sheets
Steel nibbed quill
Writing Ink, 1 oz


Traveler€™s Cloths
Waxed Knee High Boots
Waxed Leather Hat

Magic Items
Staff of the Silver Moon: A gnarled wooden staff with a strangely forked head; each prong being wrapped tightly in patterns of silver and copper wire. This staff will divine the direction to the greatest quantity of nearby silver once after basking in the glow of the full moon for a full night.

1 gp
1 sp
5 cp

Mem(X) Use(X) The Apical Impingement
Mem( ) Use( ) The Irascible Leer
Mem(X) Use( ) The Schlemiel Disquiet
Mem( ) Use( ) The Inimitable Escutcheon

Dugel the Dwarf shall possess The Antediluvian Tractate an ancient stone plated manual which contains the following spells penned in Old Dwarfish, the ancient tongue of the First Dwarfs:

The Apical Impingement: Causes any mass of stone within 60ft to suddenly expel its lode of dormant elemental energy, splitting rock of up to 1" thickness per level of the caster, else flawing greater masses. This will shiver statues, doors, altars and bulkheads, and cause 2dd +2 hit points per level of the caster to monsters of stone. Additionally, if the rock if split shards of stone will zing outward to a 10ft radius causing 1dd +1 hit point per level of the caster. A successful saving throw versus breath weapon will avoid half this damage, however.

The Irascible Leer: The magic-user's eyes glow with a supernatural fire for up to an hour, and project a dull orange beam of light to 60ft in the direction he looks. He sees as if by lantern light to this range. Additionally, the red beam will be uncomfortably hot upon flesh, causing 1 hit point of damage every other round, and igniting paper of fabric after three rounds, and firewood after a full turn.

The Schlemiel Disquiet: This dweomer enables the magic-user to manipulate objects at a short distance via a ghostly projection which mimics the movement of his own hand. The schlemiel is not strong or quick, but can be made to lift small objects, open doors, lift key rings, ring bells, tap people on the shoulder, pick pockets and so on. It vanishes as soon as the magic-user ceases to concentrate upon it.

The Inimitable Escutcheon: Creates an ghostly shield of force which protects the magic user from harm. He is considered AC 3 versus frontal missile attacks, and AC 5 versus frontal melee attacks until he next rests or is hit. The escutcheon will also annul any Sorcerous Fulmination targeted against him.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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