The Tenth Adventure

Mushgnome's Hobbet-centric PBP

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Location: Upper Miskatonic Valley

Post by mushgnome » Tue Mar 26, 2024 9:24 pm

Re: The Tenth Adventure

One of my hobbies is old maps, and I wanted to share a fun one with the group! The next time I need an "Arkham and environs" or "weird New England" map, I think I'm going to use this one (public domain thanks to the Library of Congress). The cartography is gorgeous, the place names are so evocative, and the geological cross-section at the bottom is chef's kiss!

The story behind this map, it depicts a proposed rail line that was never built. A competing company did bring rail travel to the area a few years later, but it took a more coastal route, to East Boston (present day site of Logan airport). So while this is a "real world" map, it's of something imaginary, that never existed.
[f=59]Stern (Strong Hero, MV 9′′, AC 3, HD 4, hp 20, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, L)[/f]

Posts: 2924
Joined: Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:12 pm
Location: Upper Miskatonic Valley

Post by mushgnome » Tue Mar 26, 2024 9:45 pm

Re: The Tenth Adventure

Here's another good one. Did you know there used to be a Greenwich Village in Massachusetts? There was a hotel and everything. It all was destroyed (along with a few other neighbouring towns) to create the Quabbin Reservoir. HP Lovecraft alludes to these events in "The Colour Out of Space." The dam was built at the SW corner of this map, where the river forks, and everything you see is underwater today, the hilltops sticking up as islands. (Rattlesnake-infested islands, I might add.) The water covers 38 square miles, roughly the area of a standard 6-mile hex. ... 4~90082568
[f=59]Stern (Strong Hero, MV 9′′, AC 3, HD 4, hp 20, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, L)[/f]

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