[05] The Underbelly

Waysoftheearth's V3 Demo Game

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Post by Idrahil » Wed Jul 09, 2014 1:52 pm

Re: [05] The Underbelly

| ok so I imagine a diamond with the ramp ending at one of the right angles. Filbert and Rahaulyr split and the wyvern landed in front of of Rahaulry on the left. The description of the room mentioned long shadows. |

[pc Halfling,Fighter]Tumbly[/pc] will race to the bottom and try and see what is going on. Seeing the torch to the right and the beast to the left, he will make a sprint straight across to find some shadows to hide in and prepare a dagger strike (Or sling strike)

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Post by waysoftheearth » Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:19 pm

Re: [05] The Underbelly

Idrahil wrote:| ok so I imagine a diamond with the ramp ending at one of the right angles. Filbert and Rahaulyr split and the wyvern landed in front of of Rahaulry on the left. The description of the room mentioned long shadows. |
The layout of the chamber is approximately like this:
....\..\.<-- Ramp up............
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Post by waysoftheearth » Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:30 pm

Re: [05] The Underbelly

Idrahil wrote:[pc Halfling,Fighter]Tumbly[/pc] will race to the bottom and try and see what is going on. Seeing the torch to the right and the beast to the left, he will make a sprint straight across to find some shadows to hide in and prepare a dagger strike (Or sling strike)
| Straight ahead would mean scaling up the pyramidal dais toward the Wyvern's treasure hoard on top--not an entirely unappealing option while the beast is pre-occupied!

Since the Wyvern is engaged against Rahaulyr it won't be possible to fire into the melee--the risk of hitting an ally is too great. So does Tumbly intend to join the melee and attack the Wyvern in his upcoming turn (3.15.11)? Or does he intend to hide in shadows and await a later opportunity? |
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

Posts: 46
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Post by Idrahil » Thu Jul 10, 2014 1:46 am

Re: [05] The Underbelly

[pc Halfling,FIghter]Tumbly[/pc] looks up at the treasure and then back at the beleaguered newcomer. Sighing, he draws his mace and moves to attack.

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Post by waysoftheearth » Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:52 pm

Re: [05] The Underbelly

| Turn 3.15.11 is another combat turn... |

[p Elf,leather,longbow,open hand,12,3/7]Rahaulyr[/p] is engaged against the Wyvern, and in deadly peril. [p Halfling,leather,shortsword,open hand,9,5/5]Filbert[/p] and [p Halfling,mail+helm,mace,shield,9,7/7]Tumbly[/p] roll their eyes at each other a moment--looks like it's up to the little people, again!--before charging to the attack with short sword and mace swinging.

Alas they cannot arrive soon enough to save poor [p Elf,leather,longbow,open hand,12,3/7]Rahaulyr[/p] who is cut down and stomped into the ground under a storm of blows from the awful reptile. Truth be told, the Halflings are pressed to even get near it, let alone harm it; their attempted blows scarcely glance off its steely scales.

But behind them [pp Man,cloak,dagger,lantern,12,4/4]Sullivus[/pp] flings a flask of burning oil which whistles right over their noggins and bursts upon the monster's spine, lighting it up in a bright inferno!

[p Man,mail+helm,hand ax,shield,9,8/8]Biratlan[/p] and [p Man,plate+helm,sword,open hand,12,9/9]Magnus[/p] arrive at the bottom of the ramp, shortly followed by [p Man,cloak,cat-stick,open hand,12,5/5]Urtzil[/p], as the livid monster gives a horrendous squeal that seems to shake the Earth!

| Mechanics

Ratikranger hasn't posted orders but left us with a list of orders for Rahaulyr. The first three statements have effectively happened, so it's statement 4; run away--which seems eminently sensible in the circumstances! We'll therefore presume that Rahaulyr parries and tries to break off from combat.

Rahaulyr and the Wyvern are already engaged in combat while everyone else has to move into an attacking position, so Rahaulyr and the Wyvern will go first. Rahaulyr is parrying, not attacking, so it's the Wyvern first (it has the advantage of reach in any case, so it would have attacked before Rahaulyr, who needs to change to a melee weapon too).

The wyvern has failed to slay Rahaulyr with its stinger, so now it pummels everyone within reach with its seven attacks versus normals.

I'll dice to see who is targetted by each attack; 1-4=Rahaulyr, 5=Tumbly, 6=Filbert. 7d6=2,2,6,5,3,5,1. So that's four attacks as a 1 HD monster vs Rahaulyr, two vs Tumbly, and one vs Filbert.

vs Rahaulyr: 4d20=7,19,15,13 (-4 parring); one hit versus AC7 (requires a 13), 1d6=5. Rahaulyr is reduced to -2 hit points and so slain!
vs Tumbly: 2d20=3,9; two misses vs AC4.
vs Filbert: 1d20=11; misses AC7.

Tumbly 1d20=13 misses AC4 (needs a 15+).
Filbert 1d20=3 misses AC4.

Sullivus wants to throw an oil bomb into the melee. Firing into melee is not normally allowed, but due to the size of the Wyvern compared to the halflings the referee decides to allow it. Any odd numbered attack roll will be against a randomised target.

Sullivus 1d20=16 (+1 all hurled missiles are considered medium range) hits AC4; 1d6=5, so it has 11 hit points remaining.

Now accepting orders for turn 3.15.12. |
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by sully » Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:15 pm

Re: [05] The Underbelly

[pc Human,M-U]Sullivus[/pc]
"Oil! More oil! By the gods, what is that thing?"

Sullivus will pull his last oil flask from his belt and toss it at the wyvern.
Thanis [Stealthy Hero, MV 12′′, AC 7, HD 4, hp 16, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, N]. Hooded cloak, padded armor, sword, longbow +1 & quiver of arrows, dagger.

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Post by mistere29 » Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:32 pm

Re: [05] The Underbelly

"Good thing you lent me some oil, Sullivus"

[pc human, fighter]Magnus[/pc] hurls his oil at the Wyvern

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Post by DuBeers » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:52 am

Re: [05] The Underbelly

Biratlan throws his handaxe then attacks with his sword.

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Post by Idrahil » Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:00 am

Re: [05] The Underbelly

Using the Lawful tongue, [pc Halfling,Fighter]Tumbly[/pc] will tell Filbert that he will try and scoot around and flank the beast so that they and attack from opposite sides.

OOC Tumbly will keep an eye on Filbert to see if he understands the Lawful tongue.

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Post by waysoftheearth » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:30 pm

Re: [05] The Underbelly

| Turn 3.15.12 is another combat turn |

[pp Man,plate+helm,sword,open hand,12,9/9]Magnus[/pp] hurls his burning oil flask toward the melee as [p Man,mail+helm,hand ax,shield,9,8/8]Biratlan[/p] charges, joining [p Halfling,mail+helm,mace,shield,9,7/7]Tumbly[/p] and [p Halfling,leather,shortsword,open hand,9,5/5]Filbert[/p] against the fiery Wyvern! Alas, [pp Man,plate+helm,sword,open hand,12,9/9]Magnus[/pp]' throw loops awkwardly and burst into bright flames well short of the fray.

The pair of halflings attempt to encircle the thrashing Wyvern as [p Man,mail+helm,hand ax,shield,9,8/8]Biratlan[/p] smashes it frontally, taking a serious rake himself (2 hp) but delivering at least one fierce slash in return (4 hp).

Meanwhile [pp Man,cloak,dagger,lantern,12,4/4]Sullivus[/pp] lobs his final oil flask at the enraged monster, and by the Gods! His aim is in today, and his flask smashes right on its noggin, and the shower of oil immediate ignites all around it (5hp). Surely the beast must be slain by the fire?! No! It lives yet!

| Mechanics

The referee allows Magnus to hurl his flask of burning oil into the melee involving the Wyvern, Tumbly, and Filbert, but any odd numbered attack roll will be against a randomised target.

Magnus 1d20=1! (+1 all hurled missiles are considered medium range, -1 dexterity) misses AC4; would be resolved against a random target, but will miss everything in any case, so the fire burst falls harmlessly short.

Now Biratlan charges into the combat with sword, joining Tumbly and Filbert in the fray. Our heroes are trying to flank the monster, so the referee decides to roll initiative to determine if they can attack first, 1d6: wyvern=4, players=2, but the dice say otherwise.

The wyvern has the advantage of reach and attacks 7 times as a 1 HD monster.
The referee dices to see who takes the brunt of it: 1-2=Tumbly, 3-4=Filbert, 5-6=Biratlan. 7d6=6,5,6,2,1,2,4. So Tumbly and Biratlan take three attacks apiece, while Filbert takes just one.

vs Tumbly: 3d20=15,1,4; three misses vs AC4 (the 15 misses by 1 pip)!
vs Biratlan: 3d20=5,18,2; one hit vs AC4; 1d6=2 (a mere scratch). Biratlan has 6 of 8 hit points remaining.
vs Filbert: 1d20=12; misses AC7 (by 1 pip!).

Now our heroes fight back.
Tumbly 1d20=8; misses AC 4.
Biratlan 1d20=16; hits AC 4; 1d6=4. The wyvern now has 7 hit points remaining.
Filbert 1d20=2; misses AC 4.

Sullivus hurls his last oil flask into the melee that now involves the Wyvern, Tumbly, Filbert and Biratlan. An odd number here could be bad (but at least Sullivus has not lit this flask)...

Sullivus 1d20=16 again! (+1 all hurled missiles are considered medium range) hits AC4; 1d6=2. The wyvern now has 5 hit points remaining.

As per Holmes and B/X, flaming oil continues to deal damage on the turn following a direct hit. Therefore, Sullivus' burning oil attack from last turn will deal another damage die this turn. However, damage from two oil fires won't stack, only the greater damage die will apply: second oil fire damage die 1d6=5. Therefore the sum of burning damage this turn is 5 and the wyvern has 2 hit points remaining (and it will still be afire again next turn unless the flames should be smothered or doused).

Now accepting your orders for turn 3.15.13 |
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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