(071) Beringar's Fate

Waysoftheearth's Hinterlands PBP

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Post by Merctime » Tue Dec 16, 2014 4:27 pm

Re: (071) Beringar's Fate

Dhren, too, finishes preparations to leave with the small group. His pack now worn, after getting it sorted and ensuring all is as it will be needed, and sword sheathed and at hip, the elf moves to the others and catches Desmond's comments.

"A well-advised warning, and I believe an effective order of march. I'll assume my place and be watchful from the rear rank. But I certainly hope that your friends have not been laid low by wolves! Perhaps we will learn more."

He is ready to move out when the rest are, and will fall into line quickly.
I think Dhren's character sheet is current with all of his weights and movements now. He should be ready to go :)

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Post by heartless » Sat Dec 20, 2014 12:39 pm

Re: (071) Beringar's Fate

Merctime wrote:"Ah, Ashtad. It is well you will be coming with us, too. It's nice to meet you. I'm Dhren." the elf says to Ashtad, with a courteous bow and an offered handshake.
Ashtad greets Dhren's hand and in the elven tongue, "Greetings Dhren, it is an honour to meet you, I have great affection for the elves, as I was raised by the wood elves who took me in when my family was killed."
Switching back to the common tongue, "I hope you could understand my tongue Dhren I know a little elven. It is nice to meet you also.
Now let us be off to the ogre lair. We killed one of them on the way here. Let us hope there are no others
", speaks Ashtad.
Ashtad will carry all her belonging, not wanting to leave anything behind, as per Ashtad's character sheet here.
[Hinderlands]Kianna the Elf Sister-Fighter-Medium, Elf Maiden, Fighter/MU/Cleric 1/1/1
[Hinterlands-Netherworld] Ashtad Engel (the flaming arrow), Human Maiden, Marksman 2
[Moria] Lady Éohild (Noble of Rohan), Human Women, Fighter 3

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Post by waysoftheearth » Sat Dec 20, 2014 9:51 pm

Re: (071) Beringar's Fate

With all the gear and supplies finally stowed and packs shouldered, the team begin their overland march.

The weather is mild and though the path leads mostly uphill, the trek is anticipated to be a short one, and morale is high. The venturers soon fall into a steady candence that erodes the distance quickly...
Ashtad knows the way, and 1d6=2 so there are no unforeseen adventures en route.

The site of the ogre cave can be reached comfortably within half a wilderness exploration turn, even at a slow march...
Now it is almost noon when the company arrive at the site of the Ogre Cave. It would be easy to miss, appearing as little more than a rough depression in the side of a rocky hillock. However, Ashtad knows better, and points out the boulder which was moved aside to reveal the cave...
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by ehiker133 » Sun Dec 21, 2014 5:09 am

Re: (071) Beringar's Fate

When the entrance to the cave is pointed out, Desmond checks the ground in the immediate vicinity to see if he can find any tracks made by dwarf and man within the last two days. Then he motions for the others to stay back for a moment while he attempts to sneak up to the entrance and get a look inside.
[f=47]Dougal Blackfoot (MV 9", AC 6, Lvl 4, HP 10/10) [/f]
[f=59]Goldwen (Sagacious* Abbess, MV 9′′, AC 6, HD 2+1, HP 9, FC 2 men, SV C3, L][/f]

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Post by Merctime » Sun Dec 21, 2014 5:19 am

Re: (071) Beringar's Fate

As Desmond signals to the party to hold fast, Dhren nods in the affirmative and will use his Elfin abilities to sink into the natural shadows and/or foliage of the area and hide unseen.

From that hidden place, he will keep a silent vigil for any fell creature that might try to waylay the team, or wander into the area.

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Post by sully » Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:29 am

Re: (071) Beringar's Fate

Dorgan merely stands at the ready.

We should get a torch prepared, once we're ready ta enter the cave.
Thanis [Stealthy Hero, MV 12′′, AC 7, HD 4, hp 16, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, N]. Hooded cloak, padded armor, sword, longbow +1 & quiver of arrows, dagger.

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Post by waysoftheearth » Wed Dec 24, 2014 10:55 am

Re: (071) Beringar's Fate

Ashtad has sharp eyes and gives fair warning of the cave; it is still a good ways ahead. Dhren is taking no chances and quietly makes himself inconspicuous off the edge of the trail, while Demond/Mondes approaches nearer the cave, looking for signs that anyone else may have come this way... Dorgan--still feeling off colour--remains on the path with Ashtad, and prepares a torch in case they are needed for an entry into some darker recess of the cave...
The referee dices for the encounter distance to the cave; 2d6=7 so 70 feet (assuming the dungeon scale now). It's a safe distance.
Now Desmond/Mondes moves ahead, nearer to the secret entry and--with one set of eyes on the ground and the other looking about--spots what he sought; here in the ground are fresh boot prints, and big ones. Not Man-big, but bigger. A big set of hob-nailed boots might have been tramping around here all morning! And look there--that could be a barefoot print... maybe... but it matters not! From where he stands, perhaps 30ft from the cave Demond clearly hears talking inside!

"Nooo, ya daft dolt," growls a voice in a rustic Iliberal, "da other one!"
Desmond's searching about throw: 1d6=6.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by sully » Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:47 am

Re: (071) Beringar's Fate

Dorgan whispers, Does anyone have any oil?
How hard would it be to climb up to just above the entrance to the cave? I'm thinking ambush here, as soon as we lure them outside.
Thanis [Stealthy Hero, MV 12′′, AC 7, HD 4, hp 16, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, N]. Hooded cloak, padded armor, sword, longbow +1 & quiver of arrows, dagger.

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Post by Merctime » Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:41 pm

Re: (071) Beringar's Fate

Dhren is loathe to come out of hiding, just in case something springs upon the party, but if all looks safe he will come back into view and provide Dorgan with a flask of oil. The elf will wait to see if another member of the team does so first, as that will allow him to maintain his secretive vigil for the time being.
Of course I don't know if we will be jumped out here, but I like to err on the side of caution! Still, to move the game forward, if Dhren doesn't think there is danger around, he'll come out of hiding and get the team what they need.

Sully, I forgot you don't have gear right now. When Dhren comes out of hiding, I'll have him ask Dorgan if he'd like a sack full of some regular gear type stuff to hang onto so he doesn't have to ask everyone for things like that. Remind me in OOC if I forget to do that, please :)

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Post by heartless » Sun Dec 28, 2014 4:23 am

Re: (071) Beringar's Fate

Ashtad moves quietly to the side of the path in the rear to remove a flask of oil from the back pack and passes it to Dorgan. Ashtad whispers, "Make good use of it friend".
If Ashtad senses any danger she will stop and quickly have an arrow ready to fly at any enemy.
[Hinderlands]Kianna the Elf Sister-Fighter-Medium, Elf Maiden, Fighter/MU/Cleric 1/1/1
[Hinterlands-Netherworld] Ashtad Engel (the flaming arrow), Human Maiden, Marksman 2
[Moria] Lady Éohild (Noble of Rohan), Human Women, Fighter 3

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