Waysoftheearth's Wyrmspear PBP
I did hold off on this as long as possible for that reason, but the imminent pin-cushion-ing of several fighter types forced my hand...
Bing! That's exactly it. Normal men are no match for heroes. Unless there are 80 of them.ehiker133 wrote: ↑Mon Nov 20, 2023 4:06 pmI'll be the first to admit I'm not really used to heroic combat like this. But it makes so many movie scenes make more sense. Take, for example, LOTR where Aragorn finds Frodo among the stone remnants of a previous civilization. Then Sting glows and Aragorn just... destroys... a number of Urukai, usually with a single thrust or swipe of his sword. Once I get that visual in my head as a reference for heroes fighting fodder, it's easier to see it in the game.
ehiker133 wrote: ↑Mon Nov 20, 2023 4:06 pmNPCs in WOTE's games tend to hide their loot. It's not always hidden well, but it's usually at least out of sight. I can confirm that one is straight out of OD&D, which suggests: Unguarded treasures should be invisible, hidden behind a secret door, or under the floor, locked in hard to open strong boxes ... (There are many other variants of the above possible, ...) so that's the way we roll here![]()