Delve the Third

Makofan's Deep Dungeon Crawl PBP

Moderator: Makofan

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Post by Makofan » Tue Dec 29, 2015 4:34 pm

Delve the Third

Rhod the Fighter
Serech the Cleric
Grampus the Dwarf
Aldbane the Cleric
Golguldir the Elf
- Archie, fighting man
- Alkman, fighting man
Catweazle the MU
- Sigmund, armored fighting man
- Ivar, armored fighting man

Can I have a marching order and who is carrying what light sources please?

I assume Golguldir is still adventuring as a magic-user

I need the three spell casters to tell me what spell they are memorizing

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Location: Northern California

Post by riftstone » Tue Dec 29, 2015 4:51 pm

Re: Delve the Third

Doesn't Serech still have Sigurd, the fighting-man? I don't remember him dying, but that wouldn't surprise me.

Also, Serech will take Cure light wounds.

Posts: 2347
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Post by Makofan » Tue Dec 29, 2015 5:16 pm

Re: Delve the Third

Alas, Sigurd succombed to goblins

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Post by riftstone » Tue Dec 29, 2015 5:37 pm

Re: Delve the Third

Ack! Alas, poor Sigurd! I knew him well...or not really. Serech will take to trying to hire another bodyguard/treasure carrier/light bearer.

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Post by Makofan » Tue Dec 29, 2015 6:35 pm

Re: Delve the Third

Just checking, Vile thought it was his retainer that died and hired a new one. If Catweazle has two, does Serech still want one?

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Post by riftstone » Tue Dec 29, 2015 6:54 pm

Re: Delve the Third

Serech would like to hire a porter.

Posts: 2347
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Post by Makofan » Tue Dec 29, 2015 7:13 pm

Re: Delve the Third

Done! 2 sp per day, or 2 gp up front for a month

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Post by riftstone » Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:09 pm

Re: Delve the Third

Serech will pay 5gp for a month of work, and offer to pay an additional 15gp to his family as insurance in case something untoward happens.

Also, is he a follower of the Unblinking Eye? That might double his wages.

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Post by Makofan » Tue Dec 29, 2015 11:38 pm

Re: Delve the Third

riftstone wrote:Serech will pay 5gp for a month of work, and offer to pay an additional 15gp to his family as insurance in case something untoward happens.

Also, is he a follower of the Unblinking Eye? That might double his wages.
For that money, he is willing to be. Of course he needs information

Posts: 189
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Location: Northern California

Post by riftstone » Wed Dec 30, 2015 12:03 am

Re: Delve the Third

Ah, the piousness of the coin.

Serech will eagerly instruct the porter on the veneration of He Who Sees All (He Sees when you are sleeping, He Sees when you're awake, He Sees when you've been bad or good, so you better be - well, you know the rest).

And will pay him 10gp for a month of work and work out the logistics for his family. All papers to be signed and initialed here.

The Greater Eye now has two worshipers! It's been a good month.

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