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Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:27 pm
by mgtremaine
Kiplyn does his best to keep up and harass the fleeing monster.
Lol those rolls on the first volley :lol:

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 5:29 pm
by kipper
"No need to rush!" Dame Simonetta warns. She makes her way towards the northwest passage (assuming someone else with a light source comes along) but slowly, keeping careful watch as she does so.

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:53 am
by waysoftheearth
Oi can't see the beastie! complains Tet.
Two 1s is pretty hard to beat :)

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:35 pm
by acodispo
"Damn, we lost him!" mutters Willie. Then he looks around, worried lest anyone may have heard his poor language & might report it to his Mam.

Willie will join the others in taking a look to the north-west, but first:

"Everybody be careful, it's slippery over here! Wait for me to light another torch!"

Judging that the Spider-Goat is already gone (for now), he takes time to light a torch & holds it high so that they can see the chasm.
Suggested two-column marching order:
| D. Simonetta   | Willie (torch) |
| Dougal         | Noh            |
| Tet (torch)    | Kiplyn         |

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:23 pm
by rredmond
Marching order looks good to me!

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:45 pm
by mushgnome
Turn 7

The cavern slopes gradually downhill to the northwest, and the floor is damp and slippery. The puffballs here are more mature specimens, fully inflated with spores. There is an anxious moment when Dame Simonetta and Willie simultaneously slip and lose their footing. but are able to stop themselves inches short of a particularly bloated puffball specimen. One wrong step, and they're looking at a face full of spores!

This map shows the area of puffballs that are inflated and ready to pop. Our heroes are at the eastern edge of the red zone, near the number 2:

Dex checks (roll under on d20):
Willie 9
Dame Simonetta 6

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:16 pm
by rredmond
"What beautiful specimens," Noh says admiringly, as he strokes under Carc's beak. "I wish there were time to study them," he sighs, "since they look ready to pop anyway, should we toss rocks at them from afar? Just for expediency's sake?"

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:46 pm
by kipper
"A fine idea." Dame Simonetta says to Noh. "Let us retreat back first."

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 1:11 pm
by mgtremaine
Once it is clear the spider-goat got away Kiplyn would remember the touch he set down. "Let me grab my torch also, half a moment." He would dash back to where he lodged it and return.

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 1:40 pm
by acodispo
Once Willie's back on his feet, and has retreated about 30 feet, he laughs, bashfully.

"I said it was slippery! Then I slipped!"

He continues to chuckle to himself about this, but he holds his torch high & keeps an ear out for any noise from the ceiling while the puffball bombarding goes on.