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Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:54 pm
by ehiker133
Rhegaer turns to Ulrist and asks, "What? You mean we're in the land of the little people now?"

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:10 am
by okruse

"It would seem so, little doors, little windows, little places to sit carved into the logs around the campfire."

Scratches head and seems to ponder for a bit.

"Whoever they are they seem ... maybe harmless."

Sits on the ground about 10 feet from the wall, opens a ration and places it on the ground in front of him. In elven, in as pleasant a voice as he can muster

"We mean you no harm, please come out that we may talk. I have some food that I can share with you."

Waits expectantly.

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 2:26 am
by CursedDice
mgtremaine wrote:The party proceeds, with caution, to explore deeper into the cave. It appears fairly devoid of interesting features. The back walls are finally reached and searched, there are no exits. However there are small odd holes in the walls. Urist takes an interest and it appears that they are made by hands, perhaps small hands. Indeed reset into some of the holes are small doors. Could the even smaller holes be windows?

Just what is going on here? The party must decide.
mushgnome wrote:"The dwarves have legends of tiny, mischievous beings who live under the earth's crust," shares Urist. "Those rare mortals who enter their kingdom return with unbelievable tales." Urist closes one eye and squints at one of the tiny doorways. Can he see any light or movement through the wee peephole?

"Well now I've seen everything; an town for living minature figurines..." Peers into one of the houses. "...but where are the people?"

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:55 pm
by merias
"Enter their kingdom...that would be a neat trick, indeed. Perhaps these tiny creatures have the power to grant such a wish," Alrik says.

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 6:19 pm
by mgtremaine
ooc: Very well the previous reaction was uncertain I'll allow a re-roll based on this new "offer" by Phadian.

mgt's roll comes to 13 [6 6 on 2d6+1]

ooc: WOW

The party mills about the cavern wall talking. Phadian sets out a fine little meal and tries to coax the doors open. After a few moments several of the doors do indeed open! There is a chittering, some laughing a buzzing sound and you notice that small chunks of the bread and other food stuffs are being torn off by unseen hands, and stuffed greedily into unseen mouths.

There is voice that cut through the gaiety. "Bribed by baked goods! Alas, so much for the iron will of the chorus. Fair is as fair does I must say. Go on enjoy your feast."

With that suddenly the invisible becomes visible. All around Phadian or a dozen small Pixies, drinking, eating , laughing and flutter around. Sitting on the ledge is a more notable Pixie, he wears a cunning suit of leather armor and carries a staff in his small hands.

"I am Ithilmir, these are my chorus, I asked you before why you came to Tor-Xonor perhaps you would care to explain now that we both know that we have no intent to harm one and another."

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 2:52 pm
by merias
"Our statements before were truthful - we have been rooting out evil in nearby caves and chose to explore this one, not knowing of course that we would find such fair creatures as yourselves," Alrik says.

"Surely you can help guide us? Are there any others that cohabit here with you? Any danger you can warn us about?"

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:06 am
by okruse

Phadian seems a bit taken aback that his idea actually worked, it was just a hunch after all.

Laughing "A true delight to meet you all, enjoy the food. Indeed we wish to rid these lands of any evil that would trouble those of the light and the good. "

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:05 pm
by mushgnome
Urist is impressed! "What are you mining down here?" he asks the little ones.

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:39 am
by mgtremaine
Ithilmir watches his pixie followers feasting, he sits down on a ledge and takes a his flute and begins to play a lively tune. After a sometime has passed and your questions and expressions hover in the air unanswered he pauses and speaks.

"Dangers, Evils yes you must know by now that Tor-Xonor is cursed. You made as far as our Cave of Lights as I've heard it called now, that means you are not without your own powers. But to rid the ruins of Evil would be quiet a feat indeed. Once long ago I came here with others who thought to break the curse that lies on this ancient place. Alas it did not turn out so well."

He thoughtful goes back to playing his tune but it has turned somber and he shifts into a minor key.

"What would like to know most?"

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:07 pm
by okruse

"I would be interested to hear your tale of your attempt to break the curse on this place."