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(007) The Measure of the Old Keep

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:14 pm
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
The situation is thus;


! Slain Hobgoblin
z Snoozing Hobgoblin
y Woken Hobgoblin, still on the ground
x Active Hobgoblin
X Hobgoblin Captain

Lowercase: Snoozing PC
Uppercase: Active PC

Caine is on the ground.
Taines is asleep.
Victor is asleep.
Crystin has 1 of 6 hit-points, and is on the ground.
Mads has 2 of 7 hit-points.
Dieter has 0 of 7 hit-points, and is incapacitated.
Flewellen is being dragged off by his hair.

Your intentions please?

(007) The Measure of the Old Keep

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:58 pm
by waysoftheearth
makofan wrote:
Caine staggers to his feet, grabs two daggers, and engages the nearest (standing) foe

(007) The Measure of the Old Keep

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:22 pm
by waysoftheearth
danhem wrote:
Ulric starts cursing loudly as the tide of battle starts to turn against them yet again. He searches his mind for the words to the Baleful Somnolence and focuses his energy toward one of the newly woken and newly arrived hobgoblins (xy on the map). He only hopes one or two of his comrades are able to resist the effects.

(007) The Measure of the Old Keep

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:01 pm
by waysoftheearth
heartless wrote:
Krystin quickly stands up as only an elf can and with shield and mace ready to return any attack. She takes a step backward towards the door she came and kicks and shouts at Victor, "Wake up man!!!!".

(007) The Measure of the Old Keep

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 4:11 pm
by waysoftheearth
tombowings wrote:
Flewellen shuts up, pleased with his performance but not quite confident enough about his position to cheer.

(007) The Measure of the Old Keep

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 4:57 pm
by waysoftheearth
eris wrote:
Olaf, seeing all that is transpiring below, drops his bow and heads for the stairs at a run, "They need my sword arm down there more than my bow!"

Over his shoulder, before he plunges down the stairs, Olaf calls back, "Try to not put *me* to sleep when I get down there Ulric....", then under his breath he mutters as he bounds down the stairs, ..."nor shoot me in the butt Anwyn!"

He will descend the stairs and join the melee in the courtyard as quickly as he can.

OOC: I doubt he can get there this round, but maybe he can get there next.

(007) The Measure of the Old Keep

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:37 pm
by waysoftheearth
Harry wrote:
Taines rest peacefully, dreaming only of a vein of raw minerals on the wall of his mine........finger twitching against his axe handle.

(007) The Measure of the Old Keep

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:32 pm
by waysoftheearth
verhaden wrote:
Mads the Fair

Mads moves to avoid the hobgoblins waking up, and attempts to slay at least one of the still sleeping creatures.

(007) The Measure of the Old Keep

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:06 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Atop the Battlements

Ulric raises his hands before him as he calls up his memory of The Baleful Somnolence and once again begins incanting the incomprehensible Draconic verses, his eyes alight with unnatural fire.

Meanwhile, Olaf dashes down the narrow tower stair as quickly as he dares while Anwyn hums a jaunty melody to herself as she (wisdom 6) draws back another arrow to her cheek and lets it fly into the melee (1d20=7, odd roll means a random target, Anwyn's 7 misses a sleeping Hobgoblin's AC). Her arrow streaks down and shudders as it pounds into the cobbles mere inches from one of the encorcelled Hobgoblins. "What a sorry shot," Anwyn chides herself as she draws another missile from her quiver...

In the Courtyard

The mayhem continues! (Initiative is rolled; Caine 1d6=3(+1) Mads 1d6=2(+1) Ulric 1d6=4(-1) Foe 1d6=2)

Caine springs up cat-like and dashes into the fray, slashing high and low with his gleaming blades (1d20=6) but his numerous blows only clang off the raised shield of his enemy. Mads attempts to reach a rousing Hobgoblin before he can recover his wits (1d20=2) but his first stroke is wayward, and the sly foe seems near impossible to pin down once he has his feet.

As all this clamour takes place Taines (1d6=5) is awoken by the din, finding himself lying on cold, wet cobbles.

Meanwhile Krystin kicks Victor in the ribs and yells in his ear to wake him just as Ulric reaches the penultimate phrase of his enchantment (spell roll 1d20=18) and then verbally hurls his magic down upon the courtyard once more (2d6=3,4 -- saving throws 1d20; Mads=17,Caine=12, Victor=13, Krystine=3, Dieter=11). The three Hobgoblins who were upon their feet, Caine, Krystin and Dieter all fall into a magical slumber once more. Victor, who had only just lifted his head and muttered "Wha..?", also slumps to the cobble-stones once again!

The courtyard is suddenly deathly quiet -- only Mads remains stalwartly upon his feet, and quickly moves to take full advantage of the bizarrely altered circumstance. He heaves his heavy axe directly into the breast of an awkwardly somnolent Hobgoblin fighter, splitting his shirt of rings and cracking both skin and bone with an awfully grim and bloody crunch. The slain fighter gives a sorcerously silent choke, and is then asurely slain.

On the Hillside

Flewellen is some distance down the hill side, being dragged toward the blockade where several dozen carpenters and lumberjacks appear to be constructing a heavy gate barricading the road, and some additional infrastructre.

"By the Blasted Hole itself, you'll rue this day," the enraged Captain hisses at Flewellen despite the feirce pace. "Those were some trusty lads there, an' your flesh'll be feeding the brats ov any who don't return!"

(007) The Measure of the Old Keep

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:10 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
There are four slain and five sleeping Hobgoblins in the courtyard.

Mads has 2 of 7 hit-points and is awake.
Taines is awake.

Caine is asleep.
Victor is asleep.
Crystin has 1 of 6 hit-points, and is asleep.
Dieter has 0 of 7 hit-points, is incapacitated and asleep.

Flewellen is being dragged off by his hair.

Your intentions?