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Re: 07 - Exploring Tor-Xonor

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:25 pm
by doctorx

Hagwen will attempt to crack the captive goblin on the head with the butt of her dagger.

If she successfully renders the captive unconscious she will move to engage the new enemy.

Re: 07 - Exploring Tor-Xonor

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:04 am
by merias
Alrik quickly moves away from the entrance and draws his dagger, just in case it is needed.

Re: 07 - Exploring Tor-Xonor

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 1:39 am
by mgtremaine
Since the party set watch, and the goblins came looking, we will skip surprise.

Goblins mgt's roll comes to 4 [4 on 1d6]
Party mgt's roll comes to 6 [6 on 1d6]

Coln sees the goblins approach and fires at them.
Alrik moves towards safetly
Rhegaer moves to leap out on the goblin should they enter the chamber
Phadian alters the others and holds his staff ready.
Hagwen tries to knock out the captive goblin.

Coln shoots mgt's roll comes to 8 [6 on 1d20 +2] - MISS

Goblin1 charges...which means Phadian and Rhegaer will attack it.
Goblin2 flees.....

Phadian mgt's roll comes to 14 [14 on 1d20] - HIT
mgt's roll comes to 5 [5 on 1d6] - KILLED

Rhegaer leaps out but finds that Phadian has smashed the charging goblins skull in.

Away runs a goblin shooting something......

Re: 07 - Exploring Tor-Xonor

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 3:03 am
by ehiker133
Rhegaer the Red

If it is still in range, Rhegaer throws his spear at the goblin.

Re: 07 - Exploring Tor-Xonor

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:40 am
by merias
"Our captive is trying to flee!" Alrik yells.

He throws his dagger at the fleeing goblin.

Re: 07 - Exploring Tor-Xonor

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:56 pm
by mushgnome
Urist likewise throws his dagger at the fleeing goblin. (He had drawn it to intimidate the captive goblin, which was rendered unnecessary once Hagwen knocked the prisoner unconscious.)

Re: 07 - Exploring Tor-Xonor

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:27 pm
by mgtremaine
Follow Up:

DM Rules that Rhegaer can throw his spear at the fleeing Goblin. Urist and Alrik will have to move too far to get a shot this round, but pursuit is viable should Rhegaer miss......

Rhegaer throws his spear and feeling goblin.

mgt's roll comes to 16 [15 on 1d20 + 1] - HIT even with out range adjustments.
mgt's roll comes to 2 [1 on 1d6 + 1] - Damage

The Rhegaer throw is good one but the goblin turns at the last second and takes a glancing blow, he continues his flight.....

What happens next?

Re: 07 - Exploring Tor-Xonor

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 11:19 pm
by mushgnome
Urist drives an armoured knee into the goblin prisoner's back, pinning it to the ground, and clamps a hand over its face before it can cry out. His dog Squishy growls and snaps at the goblin's toes.

"Quick, go get the other one!" he hisses to his friends.

Re: 07 - Exploring Tor-Xonor

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:33 am
by mgtremaine
Between the blow that Hagwen delivered and now Urist's iron grip, consider the original goblin out of commission.

Re: 07 - Exploring Tor-Xonor

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 2:40 am
by ehiker133
Rhegaer the Red

Rhegaer chases after the other goblin, retrieving his pear on the way.