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Re: Delve the 11th

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 8:17 am
by SneakeyPete
Grampus takes a step forward, as suggested, and comes up to level with Maloof and will target the farthest right rider with an arrow while they are still at a distance and follow up with a swing of his battle axe.

OOC: assuming there is time to get off an arrow before swinging the battle axe. Otherwise he will just use the battle axe.

Re: Delve the 11th

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 12:53 pm
by coffee
Makofan wrote:
Mon Aug 16, 2021 1:28 am
coffee wrote:
Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:20 pm
Wasn't planning on having Rhod quite so far out in front. Maybe back a step, to join the rest of the line, or slightly in front of it.
CLoser to Nori, but also maybe further north? I know he wants to flank
I'd like to flank, but not to be quite so exposed. I'd rather start out at the end of the line and then flank later, once we've blunted the initial attack.

Re: Delve the 11th

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 1:17 am
by mushgnome
Looks like Franklin has a bead on the left-most rider. He is feeling confident after one-shotting the mage!

Re: Delve the 11th

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 5:27 pm
by Makofan

Franklin and Wiglaff both aim at the left-most rider, and combine to dispatch it in short order, though the giant hog keeps on coming. Grampus' bow fire also empties a saddle, spilling his rider to the dust. The weight of the charge crashes into the line, and Ivar manages to slightly wound one of the hogs, and then the carnage starts.

The hogs and riders swarm the efreet savagely, gashing great wounds that bleed fire, while Aldbane takes a severe wound, and Yarpera is killed. Rhod and two of the dwarves flank the outer hog and butcher it. Maloof and Dori land blows on their hog and rider, and the efreet plucks a bear man off a horse, sets him on fire, then rips him in half and tosses him contemptuously away. Aldbane bludgeons to death the bear man facing him

The party's right flank is secure, but the left flank hangs in the balance. There are three rider-less hogs, and one intact hog and rider left
party 1, monsters 5
order will be ranged, spears, monsters, rest of party
dwarves will attack mounts, being shorter
hogs are classed as heroic, so no multiple attacks against them

Franklin sling @ rider5, rolls 18 - hits for <1d6>=6 damage
Wiglaff bow @rider5, rolls 13 - hits for <1d6>=2 damage, killing him
Grampus arrow @ rider2, rolls 20, hits for <1d6>=6 damage, killing it

Ivar spear @mount4, rolls 19 - hits for <1d6>=2 damage
Sigmund spear @mount4, rolls 3 - miss
Wodan spear @mount5, rolls 2 - miss

hog2 @Grampus, rolls 1 - miss
rider3 @Efreet, rolls 17 - hits for 2 damage
hog3 @Efreet, rolls 20 - hits for 6 damage
rider1 @Efreet, rolls 9 - miss
hog1 @Efreet, rolls 18 - hits for 5 damage
rider4 @Aldbane, rolls 3 - miss
hog4 @Aldbane, rolls 16 - hits Aldbane for 6 damage
hog5 @Yarpera, rolls 14, 20, 8 - hits twice for 7 damage, killing Yarpera

Rhod @hog2, rolls 18 - hits for <1d6>=5 damage
Ori @hog2, rolls 19 - hits for <1d6>=3 damage
Nori @hog2, rolls 13 - hits for <1d6>=5 damage, hog dies

Maloof @rider3, rolls three times (heroic combat vs nonheroic foe, he has 3 HD) - 15/9/5, hits once for >1d6>=5 damage
Dori @hog3, rolls 15, hits for <1d6>=6 damage
Efreet @ lead rider, kills him

Aldbane melee @rider4, rolls 17/13/14, hits three times for15 damage, killing him

Efreet 18/31
Aldbane: 7/13
Maloof: 15/16
Yarpera: DEAD

Re: Delve the 11th

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 4:34 pm
by acodispo
"Fight on, men! Avenge Yarpera!" shouts Wiglaff to the three spearmen.

He hefts his battle-axe -- if the enemy breaks through the line of spearmen, he will engage in melee, but only then.

Re: Delve the 11th

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 5:18 pm
by merias
Aldbane turns to avenge Yarpera and attacks the boar that killed him. If he takes another hit, he'll do a fighting retreat to stand with Wiglaff, otherwise he'll stay in melee.

Re: Delve the 11th

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:23 pm
by SneakeyPete
Grampus, battleaxe in hand, runs forward and to the left and swings at the back of the remaining bear man.

Re: Delve the 11th

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 12:42 pm
by mushgnome
Franklin doesn't think he has a clear sling-shot at the last surviving rider, so he draws his magic sword and joins the melee. If Grampus manages to kill the last rider, and the boars show signs of retreating or surrendering, then Franklin would have mercy on them. But if they continue to show aggression, Franklin will carve them to bacon!

Re: Delve the 11th

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 2:52 pm
by kipper
Maloof continues attacking the rider with his mace. He orders the efreet to continue attacking the hogs.

Re: Delve the 11th

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 11:58 am
by Makofan
I think this is the plan? Corrections welcomed

Efreet, Nori - @boar1
Grampus, Maloof - @bearman3
Rhod, Ori, Dori - @ boar3
Aldbane, Ivar - @boar4
Franklin, SIgmund, Wodan - @Boar5

Wiglaff - battle axe in reserve