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Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 2:52 am
by sully
Dorgan will drop his axe handle and retrieve Wen's staff. Given enough time this round, he'll strike again.

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 3:26 am
by flightcommander
Armando tends to the halflings' comfort while Gustave steps into the chamber ...

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 2:02 pm
by doctorx
Josiane jumps back with a yelp and attempts to tear free her smouldering armour before the ooze can come into contact with her flesh...

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:48 pm
by ehiker133
Tonneau wrote:"Fear not, dear hobbits, The Gustave is here, and sighted...for now at least", says Gustave, hoisting the blinded duo/trio to their feet.

"My dear Armando", he adds, still blinking stars from his eyes, "it seems that this room is determined to offend, and will not sit idly and let us pilfer its bounty".

"I thus recommend that you hold station while I secure the loot, ere we both - sightless half-pints in tow - err...make for the hills".

With this, he leads the halflings nearer the door then urges them to sit there. He grabs the gnarled staff from the wall, then returns to the table to inspect the sack, lock-box and other items.
Desmond/Mondes allows himself (themselves?) to be lead to the entrance of the secret room. He walks back through, into the passage, anxious to see if sight is restored once the action is completed. If not, then he leans against one of the walls and begins blinking his eyes slowly, squeezing them hard every now and again, to try and recover from the flash blindness.

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:50 am
by mushgnome
doctorx wrote:Josiane jumps back with a yelp and attempts to tear free her smouldering armour before the ooze can come into contact with her flesh...
Josiane is gripped by unseen arms and rescued from the ooze! Invisible Highbough helps her shed the ruined armour as quickly as possible.

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:50 pm
by doctorx
mushgnome wrote: Josiane is gripped by unseen arms and rescued from the ooze! Invisible Highbough helps her shed the ruined armour as quickly as possible.
Josiane yelps all the louder until she realises the unseen arms are friendly..! :oops:

She gratefully accepts Highbough's help in winning free of her sizzling armour.

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:28 pm
by Eris
Olaf leaps back toward the stairs while yanking at his armor, removing it as fast as he can.

"I am out of the fight for now!" he shouts and falls back onto the stairs to descend while removing his armor, "Wood and stone to kill that ooze, not metal, and watch out for the splashes!"

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:33 am
by mushgnome
Once Josiane is safe, Highbough would turn his attention to helping Olaf (if it's not too late).

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:59 am
by waysoftheearth
The Infirmary

| Oozes always attack last, so Dorgan attacks 2d20=20!, 15 and delivers 2d6=6,4 10 points of damage, enough to slay it. |

Wen lobs his staff and it sails, slow mo', through the air toward Dorgan who leaps bare-footed to snatch it in mid-air, and land with a decisive blow to its thickest section that sees an end to the quivering of the ooze.

Meanwhile, Highbough yanks Josiane clear and helps her to shed her smoldering armour with haste enough to avoid any major singing of her flesh, but the leather carapace is ruined.

Olaf likewise struggles to rid himself of his rapidly dissolving mail, but he is unassisted...

| Upon consideration, I think I'll use the drowning rules to see whether armor can be removed quickly enough to avoid harm. Thus, leather armour can be removed safely on a roll of 3-6, and mail on a roll of 5-6... Olaf rolls d6=3, so he can't escape quickly enough! |

...and the vile slime seeps through the gaps between the links and into his flesh even as he cuts the straps to free himself of the armor! The pain of it is scorching as it burns into his ribs as if he were hot butter 2d6=3,3 causing an excruciating 6 hit points of damage.

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:09 am
by waysoftheearth
The Reliquary

Gustave squints one eye half open and realises he still has the power of sight, then proceeds to merrily round up the Hobbits, before hastily reaching for the gnarly staff in the corner... but touching it instantly sends a hard jolt of moltern iron up his arm 1d6=2 delivering a smarting 2 hit points damage to him and leaving his hand filled with a voodoo case of pins and needles...