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(031) A Cemetery Muckrake

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:58 pm
by waysoftheearth
doctorx wrote:
"Carrion birds and open graves," the Vagabond Knight murmurs softly to herself; "And a dark dance that has been ongoing for some time. These are lonely, shadowed paths we tread..."

She kneels before the graves and quietly addresses a prayer to each of the former tenants - Gunter, Bartholomaus, Katrin and the others; "I apologise humbly for further disturbing your already-violated rest, but by what I do I seek to aid you and confound the ones responsible for this blasphemy. I pray you grant me pardon and look kindly upon our venture, in the name of Almighty Thuul."

Once this is done she stands. "Friend Gustave, with your assistance..?" and as gingerly as she can, she clambers down into each of the graves in turn. She will plant a clove of garlic in the soil of the unearthed burial plot, cover it over, and then sprinkle the interior with holy water, (though she will be careful to use no more than a little in each - one flask to cover all six graves at most).

"There," she says, clambering out of the last grave and dusting herself down; "Any unclean creature now seeking to use these as a bolt-hole should find them little to their liking. Now onward. Let it be as Guntrum says - We search for evidence of tunnels leading beyond this tomb. If so there be, we leave and return tomorrow with all the force we can muster."

She draws the sword of Jehan and sets her white shield upon her arm.

"Let us begin."

(031) A Cemetery Muckrake

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:33 pm
by waysoftheearth
tonneau wrote:
"Err...yes, well, right you are then", says Gustave, brow raised.

He shuffles his new shield into position and plonks the new helm on his head, his curls stick out from its wings. Drawing his blade he plods after the woman knight, "Lead on then indeed", he mutters.

(031) A Cemetery Muckrake

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:10 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Dorgan tugs at the stone door again; it initially seems as implacable as before, but then it is as if an air tight seal is broken. A breath of air is sucked inward as the door grinds sideways, and day-light spills into the cool tomb...

All is dark, silent and still within.

(031) A Cemetery Muckrake

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:15 pm
by waysoftheearth
doctorx wrote:
"Friend Dorgan, will you walk beside me?" Josiane asks quietly. She has become fond of this sturdy Dwarf and finds him a reassuring presence at her side in battle.

Before proceeding she examines the steps, mindful of traps or tripwires. She is also looking to see if there is any sign of recent traffic entering or leaving this house of the dead...

(031) A Cemetery Muckrake

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:27 pm
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Those at the entrance to the tomb examine the threshold carefully, but find no sign of any tripwire nor other tomfoolery.

Dorgan's eyesight adjusts to the darkness first, and he is impressed by the grandeur of the stonework within; there is but a modest landing inside, before a wide stair descends further into the earth presided over on all sides by tall, round columns. These are graven elegantly in a gothic style with images of iron gates, fortresses, shields and sombre knight-guardians. Where the columns meet the roof crowds of hideous gargoyles have been hewn into the rock so that their bat-wings are sprawled over the ceiling.

When Josiane can at last see well enough, she notes that there is surprising little dust upon the landing, and that which is present is gathered only around the edges. None fail to note the chill within, nor the vaguely menacing scent of old decay.

The dark stair is wide enough for two abreast.

What now?

(031) A Cemetery Muckrake

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:33 am
by waysoftheearth
rleduc wrote:
Does the area of this space seem to fill the 20x30' description of the exterior of the crypt? Are there open spaces beyond the columns in any direction?

(031) A Cemetery Muckrake

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:44 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
rleduc wrote:Does the area of this space seem to fill the 20x30' description of the exterior of the crypt? Are there open spaces beyond the columns in any direction?
Allowing for the thickness of the stone walls, and the eight columns -- four flanking either side of the stair, yes the interior space seems to be about the right size to fill the crypt (or at least, that part of it which is visible from the bone yard).

(031) A Cemetery Muckrake

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:49 pm
by waysoftheearth
rleduc wrote:
Guntrum turns to examine the opening from the inside to be sure that they will be able to leave at will should the door close.

"It seems a fair bit of stone work to cover a stair, and no sign of individual burial sites," he muses to himself. "Nowhere to go from here but down or home. Shall we?"

(031) A Cemetery Muckrake

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:43 pm
by waysoftheearth
doctorx wrote:
Josiane (looking a little pale but more than a little determined) nods and moves to the front of the group. As soon as everyone else is formed up and a torch has been lit she will lead the company down into the tomb.

(031) A Cemetery Muckrake

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:30 am
by waysoftheearth
tonneau wrote:
Gustave, strangely quiet for once, peers over those gathered at the head of the stairs and into the gloom below. He is less than enthusiastic as he adjusts his helm - still not comfortable with the new addition to his protective garb - and joins them inside.