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(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:51 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Meanwhile Nidhogg inspects the cellar walls in the gloom. His old Dwarfish eyes see well in poor light, but not darkness! Even a candle light would make his search far more fruitful...

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:02 pm
by waysoftheearth
Guest wrote:
Nidhogg will now examine the door. How is it locked? Can he use the beetle to open it? Is there an opening he could reach through and grab the torch in the sconce outside?

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:36 pm
by waysoftheearth
Professor P wrote:
waysoftheearth wrote:After some stumbling about and knocking things over in the gloom, Koch unearths a pile of goods that have a familiar feel about them. He can scarce believe his luck when he realises that his captors have simply dumped his goods in an old crate not a dozen feet out of reach!

Everything is there, bar his coin purse and supplies.
OOC: I'm not sure what you mean by supplies. Do you mean his backpack and whatever was in it? What exactly does KOCH have now?

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:26 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Professor P wrote:OOC: I'm not sure what you mean by supplies. Do you mean his backpack and whatever was in it? What exactly does KOCH have now?
After fumbling about in the near-dark Koch locates his;
  • backpack,
  • bedroll,
  • iron spikes,
  • belt pouches,
  • sewing needles and thread,
  • exquisite tailor's shears,
  • spade,
  • tinderbox,
  • sling,
  • hammer,
  • helmet,
  • shield.
What appears to be missing are his;
  • victuals (7 days),
  • water skin,
  • coin purse (and contents),
  • empty sack,
  • torches (8),
  • crowbar,
  • rope, hemp 60ft
  • winter blanket,
  • spear,
  • hide armour.

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:31 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
[img]defaultavatar.png[/img]/post/64973/threadFeb 8, 2011 7:02:06 GMT -6 @ghostofmarx said:Nidhogg will now examine the door. How is it locked? Can he use the beetle to open it? Is there an opening he could reach through and grab the torch in the sconce outside?

As Nidhogg moves closer to the trapdoor, the tiny shafts of grey light that squeeze through the cracks between the boards seem to grow brighter. In truth they are feebly dim, but compared to the deeper darkness of the cellar they seem almost bright.

The trapdoor is a crude affair, leaning at an incline over a gap in the stone ceiling to which a rough flight of seven narrows steps climb. The trapdoor must be pushed up to be opened, and is apparently barred by a heavy beam, or some other great weight, from above.

It does not appear to be the kind of obstruction which Nidhogg's pet might deal with...

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:30 pm
by waysoftheearth
Guest wrote:
Nidhogg sighs loudly.

He hobbles down to join Koch. "Can you start a fire with stone and steel, Man? 'cause I need to light to see about these walls unless we are certain we are going to attempt to break down the door and charge the our Keepers."

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:01 am
by waysoftheearth
Professor P wrote:

While feeling through the crates, KOCH can scarcely believe his luck when he finds some of his belongings. He is greatly relieved to find his treasured heirloom, though disappointed at the lack of food and water.

Replying to Nidhogg, "If we're lucky, my flint and tinder may still be in my pack." KOCH digs through his bag and says, "Ah-ha, I'll try to get this torch lit."

KOCH uses his flint and tinder to light the torch. Once lit, he'll place the torch in the torch-ring and will gather his belongings and don his helmet. He'll then search through the rest of the crates to search for additional supplies.

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:10 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Koch blindly unfurls a tiny bundle of tinder in the darkness, and then, by determination, strikes flint and steel together repeatedly -- each time causing a momentary blue-orange flash as a short-lived spark is quickly extinguished. At last one such spark catches in his bundle of wood shavings and ignites a tiny fire, that grows boldly in that tinder, and finally is a flame hungry enough to fire the torch.

The yellow flame casts a yellow-brown illumination over the cellar. It is a long chamber, perhaps 15ft wide, with a low, arched ceiling. The mess of crates and casks that clutter the place throw back jaunty shadows to the rough hewn walls. The trapdoor is at one end, the other end vanishing off into darkness where the torchlight does not penetrate...

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:18 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
With the advantage of torch-light, Nidhogg commences his inspection of the stonework -- moving aside empty crates where necessary to place his hands upon the walls.

It is not stonework to any Dwarfish standard, he immediately divines. Though he is no mason among his people, Nighogg recognises the hallmarks of cheap, hasty construction right away. This gate house dunjon must scarcely be two hundred years old, and by the dim quality of the work he would hardly be surprised if it did not last out another two centuries!

Nidhogg tisks to himself absently as he moves farther down the wall, feeling each join between the great slabs of hewn rock with his own rough hands...

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:23 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Meanwhile Koch dons his helm, and then begins to rummage about among the creates looking for anything of use.

Unfortunately, his search turns up little beyond an empty bottle, a dead mouse, and few hopelessly desiccated apples, and what might have once been a clay nest made by ants or other insects...