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Re: (053) Moonshine

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:01 pm
by mgtremaine
Wen awakes in the afternoon, sleeping as long possible.... WHen he final does awake he'd splash around in the brook and get some water befire finding a nice spot to sit and opening his own spellbook.

occ: Memorize The Eerie Lambent, The Mellifluent Concord

Re: (053) Moonshine

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:48 pm
by waysoftheearth
mushgnome wrote:He fills a metal cup from the mountain brook, then heats it to boiling with the power of his mind.

Re: (053) Moonshine

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:01 pm
by waysoftheearth
Armando, rather grumpily, takes the second watch... but it is only a few hours before the sun is high in the bright sky and most of the company are rousing, despite having only a half a proper night's sleep.

Dieter walks his perimeters, and is none too impressed with the defensibility of the camp site. It is essentially a small dell in the lee of an overhanging boulder. It's only boons are the relatively flat piece of ground on a generally sloping surface, and its proximity to the brook. He wouldn't want to fight a pitched battle here; certainly not if he were outnumbered...

There are only a few scraps of rations left to anyone's packs; most of the supplies were left with the mules and the dwarf at the last camp site, but that is all long gone now. There is about a mouth full of something to chew on per person, but it is hardly a meal; especially not for the hobbits; and especially not for Desmond/Mondes who only get half a mouth full each. Highbough's tea is the most invigorating option, but few find the Elvish herbs to their liking.

Olaf looks to employ Desmond's fish-line and hooks, but the brook is scarcely a hand deep, nor a foot wide, and there is little hope of catching any edible sized fish.

There are signs that there are hares about, but a serious hunt could take hours... on the other hand, there is no obvious sign of any pursuit..?

Everyone is hungry. Ket is at least three days hard marching; more with the (still) blinded hobbits.

What to do?

Re: (053) Moonshine

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:32 pm
by doctorx
Josiane memorizes the Righteous Evangelist and the Supplication of Medicant Requite (when she is not fussing her owl). :)

Re: (053) Moonshine

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:03 am
by flightcommander
After refilling his waterskin at the creek, Armando returns to his bedroll and rummages through his packs. "Only treasure," he rues. Eventually he finds a coin purse, pilfered many days ago, and busies himself a while with a tally of its contents. Finally, he packs everything up and readies himself for the road.

Re: (053) Moonshine

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:17 pm
by ehiker133
"We can go for a little while without food," Desmond says, trying to sound encouraging, "but water is absolutely necessary. So let's drink our fill and then fill up our skins and be on our way. Everyone keep an eye out for any food sources along the way. If... if you CAN keep an eye out, of course," he finishes with a frown.

Re: (053) Moonshine

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 4:25 pm
by verhaden

'Agreed... we're all in this together.' Torben says, nodding at Desmond. He joins the rest as he refills his water skin. 'Think we'll run into Lord Eberhardt on the march back?' he asks quietly.

Re: (053) Moonshine

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:52 pm
by sully
Dorgan says, "I think we should just keep marchin'. We ain't likely to find something ta eat out here. Best ta get back ta Ket and see if'n the Sisters will give us some bread after we return their staff."

Re: (053) Moonshine

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:01 pm
by mushgnome
Highbough agrees, "I'm afraid we must march on an empty stomach, for if we do not put some distance between us and the Abbey by nightfall, I fear we will still be within the wolves' nocturnal hunting territory. Maybe if we are lucky, we'll be attacked by a large and delicious animal," he quips, "or perhaps some foolish horsemen will tangle with us, and after we've dispatched them, their steeds will carry us swiftly back to Ket."

Re: (053) Moonshine

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:07 pm
by Tonneau
"eghhh...whats for breakfast?" croaks Gustave, finally rousing himself but remaining prone to rub sleep from his eyes.