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Re: 04 - Ruin in the Moor

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:55 pm
by mgtremaine
The party gathers itself and retreats back along the path they followed, through the gnoll guard room, south then east along the dark corridors. More twists through the maze until the stairs out are found. You find the sun is still in the sky but low on horizon, it must be around 4:00pm. After nearly 5 hours in the darkness below it is a welcome sight.

mgt's roll comes to 6 [2 4 on 2d6]

You find all as you left it. Rik is pacing back and forth with a spear in hand, bound goblins spread about the rude village, in various states, some asleep, some starting at the sky, some casting hateful looks at you and Rik.

Rik smiles when he sees you all emerge. "By Torgrim's Mighty Breath I thought you had all died! What a relief, I was going to wait another hour before getting out of this place. What happened did you find the Wizard"

Re: 04 - Ruin in the Moor

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:01 pm
by doctorx
mgtremaine wrote: Rik smiles when he sees you all emerge. "By Torgrim's Mighty Breath I thought you had all died! What a relief, I was going to wait another hour before getting out of this place. What happened did you find the Wizard"

"Oh, yeah..."

She holds up the severed head for Rik and the goblins to see.

"Any o' you blokes speak goblin? If not, better let me do the honours..."

Re: 04 - Ruin in the Moor

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:52 am
by ehiker133
Rhegaer shakes his head in the negative.

Re: 04 - Ruin in the Moor

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:48 am
by CursedDice

"Nah... why can't da blighters speak proper like everything else? You can go talk to dem if ya want, I say we should divide up the treasure now!"

Re: 04 - Ruin in the Moor

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:01 pm
by merias
When he gets a chance, Arlik will set about studying his spellbook and the two scrolls he found on Illmir's body.

Re: 04 - Ruin in the Moor

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:16 pm
by doctorx

"Righty-ho, then..."

A thought strikes her.

"That gob's 'ead in a pickle jar - lemme borrow it a sec..."

Re: 04 - Ruin in the Moor

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:46 am
by CursedDice

"Alright. Just promise to give it back - it be good loot!"

Re: 04 - Ruin in the Moor

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:46 pm
by doctorx

"No worries. Wouldn't 'urt ta find out a bit more about it though, eh?"

And waving the preserved head under the noses of the goblins she begins to snarl at them in their own gutteral tongue...

Re: 04 - Ruin in the Moor

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:15 pm
by mgtremaine
Hagwen holds up the Pickled Goblin Jar and the goblins immediately squirm, squeal, and some even closer their eyes. After some more guttural sounds from Hagwen one of the goblins replies in kind..... Then starts a back and forth while most of the other goblins seem to nod in agreement with whatever is being said.

Re: 04 - Ruin in the Moor

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:58 pm
by doctorx

"It's the 'ead of their shaman - seems 'ee objected when Illmir turned up an' took charge. Illmir 'it Ragtoe with a Charm spell an made Ragtoe snuff the poor berk."

She looks at Coln quizzically.

You sure you want to keep it?"

She then returns to her interrogstion of the goblins.