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Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:34 pm
by verhaden
Just thought I'd give everybody an update: my wife hits 39 weeks this Friday. If my posting drops a bit, it'll be because I'm taking care of her and my new daughter 8-)

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 3:34 pm
by ehiker133
verhaden wrote:Just thought I'd give everybody an update: my wife hits 39 weeks this Friday. If my posting drops a bit, it'll be because I'm taking care of her and my new daughter 8-)
Early congrats, then, verhaden!

We just have the one, and he made it to two days before his due date. We were so focused on that due date, though, when my wife came home from prenatal yoga with lower back pain, we didn't think anything of it. It wasn't until she said, "ouch!" twice, about five minutes apart from each other, to indicate the "lower back pain" had started again, that we even entertained the idea it could be labor.

"What do labor pains feel like???"
"No idea. a) I've never been pregnant before and b) I'm a guy."
"What should we do?"
"Is there... er... water all over the floor anywhere?
"Hmmm. Then... wait and see if your back hurts again in 5 minutes?"

4 minutes and 08 seconds later, she said "ouch" again and we panicked. We bolted out the door, leaving every packed bag, the lap top, the camera, the video camera, etc. right there in the hallway.

Then on the way to the hospital, she wanted to stop by work to transfer some files for her boss! Whaaat??

All worked out OK in the end, of course. But at 39 weeks, we were like, "Oh, we still have one week to go," and not, "It could be any second now!"

I wouldn't recommend this method, by the way. A bit stressful, really.

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:02 pm
by sully
Congrats, Verhaden!

You want stress, ehiker? Our twins came 10 weeks early. Spent seven weeks in the NICU. As luck would have it, they were pretty smooth weeks. Just had to wait around for the kids to learn how to breathe on their own...

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:11 pm
by ehiker133
sully wrote:Congrats, Verhaden!

You want stress, ehiker? Our twins came 10 weeks early. Spent seven weeks in the NICU. As luck would have it, they were pretty smooth weeks. Just had to wait around for the kids to learn how to breathe on their own...
I don't want stress, no, Sully. :) I much prefer a stress-free life, as much as that is possible with a 4 year old who is constantly pushing limits and testing boundaries and sneaking and conniving; I can't even imagine if he had a twin partner in crime. Glad yours made it through the ordeal.

A friend of mine had a premie and had to get the "If she makes it through the night, then there's a much better chance of her living a normal life" speech from the doctor. She just turned 8 last week and is the strongest, healthiest 8 year old I know.

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:58 pm
by sully
Well, my daughter is exactly like your son but, luckily for me, my son is not as much of a "I'll do it myself even though you literally just told me not to do it two seconds ago" kind of kid. He's mischievous in his own way though.

Our first 24 hours were a little rough as well. It appears that 10 weeks early is about the line between "should be ok" and "might have major development issues". There is no worse feeling than when your wife gives birth and, instead of putting the kids in her arms, they get whisked away by a team of specialists.

But a day later, it was "they just need to make it a week without forgetting to breathe and then you can take them home." So we enjoyed seven weeks of the most expensive babysitters you can imagine. The bill was $125,000 per kid. We paid our $1,000 deductible and insurance covered the rest.

The hospital was six blocks from my office so it was easy to visit them several times a day. And I ended up walking by the blood donation guys so many times, I started to donate myself, a habit which continues to this day.

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:10 pm
by coffee
verhaden wrote:Just thought I'd give everybody an update: my wife hits 39 weeks this Friday. If my posting drops a bit, it'll be because I'm taking care of her and my new daughter 8-)
I've always said that real life trumps, but that's likely the best reason not to play I've ever heard. Congratulations!

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:46 am
by waysoftheearth
Happy Easter everyone!

Game update coming tonight :)

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:21 am
by waysoftheearth
Sorry guys, I have had an awful 'flu for the last two weeks. Still trying to shake it but hopefully I can find the necessary powers of concentration to post some meaningful updates over the weekend...

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:46 pm
by ehiker133
waysoftheearth wrote:Sorry guys, I have had an awful 'flu for the last two weeks. Still trying to shake it but hopefully I can find the necessary powers of concentration to post some meaningful updates over the weekend...
I'm hip-deep in my fight with some illness of some sort, as well. Something the four year old brought home. Normally those don't affect me, but I have some significant stress on my shoulders at work (deadline) and at home (big woodworking commission deadline) and I don't handle that much stress too well, so it was pretty much guaranteed I'd get sick.

No more big woodworking commissions for a while!

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:53 pm
by sully
Must be the changing of the seasons. I just got over a head cold that took me 10 days to kick. Hope you guys both feel better soon.