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(004) The Dunjon Door

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 6:17 pm
by waysoftheearth
eris wrote:
danhem wrote:Ulric extends his arm with the lantern into the cell, looking for any hidden dangers.

"It seems we have found one of the last guests in this miserable dungeon. I half expect that corpse to leap from the wall and tear out our throats...but it may be worth investigating."
From behind Ulric, Olaf says, "It's doubtful that those that imprisoned that poor fellow left any treasure behind, but it is worth checking...and perhaps the Templar would want to say a few words over his bones. Ease him into the next world if he hasn't departed already."

Olaf steps inside to search the room, but leaves room for Rodrick and others to come inside as well if they so choose. Olaf will use the tip of his sword to move any debris or rubble and will be very cautious of dangers above, below and all around the cell.

(004) The Dunjon Door

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 6:21 pm
by waysoftheearth
eris wrote:
waysoftheearth wrote:In the passage.

Olaf, Ulric, Mads and Rodrick return to Dieter and the others in the main passage way, whereupon
Ulric raises the next door's peep-trap on its rusty hinges. Within he can but spy another dark, foreboding cell. He leaves the heavy lifting to the fighting-men, and Olaf and Dieter oblige him by lifting the bulky timber beam aside rather easily between them.

Once the door creaks open -- this alone requiring a serious arm -- the party sees by Ulric's lantern fire that the room beyond is indeed another foul little lock up. It is as low, dark and mean as the others -- but worse; against the far wall are suspending the decayed remains of the last unfortunate inmate...

The situation is thus;

. Closed --> ().................R..M..UOD....V..A.... --> Back toward stair,
.. door .....##..#####################(.)###(.)####### and surface
..............#..#........Empty -->..#...#.#..@# <-- Hole to below...
OOC: IMO, we need to search the cells, including the one with the barred door, regroup and continue to explore on *this* level. If we can, do you think we should open the closed door at the end of this corridor, or should we go back to the fountain room and begin to explore those dark corridors?

(004) The Dunjon Door

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 6:26 pm
by waysoftheearth
tombowings wrote:
Rodrick touches his symbol of Thuul. "To the men and women who were captured and have now passed on, do so in peace. You, like them, sought not this fate. Should your be a just fellow, let the gods touch your soul and bring you to the highest tip the heavens. Should you be less than your humor is worth, be judged with distinction for your crimes and nothing more--for you have already suffered. In the name of Thuul Almighty, I bless you, sir or madam."

(004) The Dunjon Door

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 9:15 pm
by waysoftheearth
Harry wrote:
eris wrote:

OOC: IMO, we need to search the cells, including the one with the barred door, regroup and continue to explore on *this* level. If we can, do you think we should open the closed door at the end of this corridor, or should we go back to the fountain room and begin to explore those dark corridors?
OOC: Agree, just want to get the stragglers out of the hole, heal up and finish this level

(004) The Dunjon Door

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 3:51 am
by waysoftheearth
heartless wrote:
"Caine unless you want to trust your luck further with the gems again, may I suggest we exit this dark hole, for the something seem restless in the distant", says Crystin.

Crystin will get her stuff and backpack and take it to the rope.

She shouts up the hole, "You missed all the fun! Sorry for taking so long but run into a little trap down here. No need to ask we are fine except for a little blood. Thanks for waiting with the rope, can you help us up out of this dark abyss!"

Caine can go first if he desires, then Crystin will tie the rope to the backpack to lift up first, then herself to lift up secondly with torch in hand.

Once Crystin and Caine are up safely she will explain what she saw down there and to be careful about the trap in the doorway.

(004) The Dunjon Door

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 4:06 am
by waysoftheearth
Harry wrote:
"Aye no problem lass", a cheeky smirk crosses Taines face as he dips his head over the hole "Glad to see yer in one piece still".

Taines takes a vice like grip on the rope, and starts to pull once they are ready to go.

(004) The Dunjon Door

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 8:52 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Ulric illuminates the grim dungeon by his lantern -- the small yellow light dancing with ochre shadows amid the many crevices and rough-edges of the stoney walls.

Olaf, and then Rodrick, then enter the cell cautiously, testing the ceiling, the floor and the walls for any trickery. The ceiling is low enough that both the fighting-men must stoop slightly, but that aside it all seems undeniably solid.

There are two pair of grim chained manacles hanging against the rear wall from a metal ring in the ceiling -- one pair suspending the near-skeletal remains, but there is little else to see within.

Upon closer inspection of the deceased Rodrick decides that the remains may have belonged to an unfortunate young Man, before solemnly utters his prayer.

(004) The Dunjon Door

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 9:03 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Crystin and Taines continue to converse fearlessly from 40ft apart in the otherwise cool, dark, silence...


...and arrange for Taines to hoist Caine, then their two packs, and finally the injured Crystin up out of the vast dark chamber.

When all are safe and top-side Crystin eagerly describes to Taines, Victor and Anwyn what she saw in the chamber below -- not sparing any detail about the gemstone or the potentially lethal trap which very nearly claimed her life...

"Just got lucky if you ask me," mutters Victor to himself, and spits.

Anwyn is more interested in glimpsing the gemstone which Caine has in his keeping...

(004) The Dunjon Door

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 1:28 pm
by waysoftheearth
danhem wrote:
Ulric bows his head as Roderick completes his rites on the ancient corpse.

"Not much else to do here," he says once Roderick is finished. "Let's check the last cell.

Ulric moves to the last barred door and once again checks the peep hole. He then keeps his lantern ready and waits for the warriors to remove the bar and open the door.

"Once we clear this cell, I say we go back to the fountain room and investigate the surrounding corridors. Let's leave that last door at the end of this hall secured for now."

(004) The Dunjon Door

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 3:32 pm
by waysoftheearth
coffee wrote:
"Good enough," Dieter mutters.