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(011) The Expedition North

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:17 pm
by waysoftheearth
mushgnome wrote:
Michele extends a warm welcome to the newcomer, glad to no longer be the new kid on the block.

(011) The Expedition North

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:32 pm
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
eris wrote: OOC: None of us saw any tracks left by this man? Either we're very unobservant, the ground is a lot harder than I thought, he came from the other direction, or he's very good at hiding his tracks. [img]images/smiley/smiley.png[/img]
Let us say that aside from that last half day's march along the river canyon, Andaros took a somewhat different route overland -- not being encumbered by a cart and all. As for this last day, well the river canyon is several dozen yards wide, and rocky nearer the river. Apparently it is not too difficult to miss the tracks of a single, lone traveller in such terrain.

(especially when the ref has need to "insert a new player" on a whim [img]images/smiley/smiley.png[/img])

(011) The Expedition North

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:40 pm
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
"Welcome," piques Anwyn, the Elfish maiden, with a giggle.

"If yer mace arm be strong," gravels Victor, "yer welcome to share our company."

There is a general round of how to dos and welcomes until each has had the chance to speak, by which time there is perhaps a scant hour of cool daylight ere dusk. The shadow of evening is already across the canyon floor and the bridges works are yet ahead of you...

(011) The Expedition North

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:43 pm
by waysoftheearth
Valandil wrote:
(OCC: Sorry everyone. I checked the thread everyday, but today I couldnt log in until now.)

The man introduces himself. He has a strong accent and a gentle voice, and its obvious that he is making an effort to speak the common tongue correctly.

Andaros: " 'ello everyone! -bows- My name's Andaros Coldblood. I came here 'cause I was told, back home, that these lands had many temples and fortresses beggin' for some raidin', but, once herre, I found m'self ro'ming the land aimlessly like a vagrant. So, unless I find an abandoned chest full of gold in the wilderness, I'm going to have to resort to banditry or som'thing like that. Ya all look like the adventurer sort, tell me, are ya in need of some muscle? I'm skilled with the mace and spear, I've held many shieldwalls in the past, and I'm eager to feel the thrill of battle again."

(011) The Expedition North

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:22 am
by waysoftheearth
tonneau wrote:
"Well a mace is always handy", notes Gustave, "but the real balance of worth I say is in a mans ability to cook a good scone".
" is your baking my good man?", he asks, deadpan.

(011) The Expedition North

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:00 am
by waysoftheearth
Malibu wrote:
"Perhaps ye can dress the lad in an apron and have him braid yuir hair, too." Thorgrim laughs, nudging Gustave's ribs with his elbow.

"Now are we going to stand here jabberin' all night, or should we make for yonder bridge before the light fails us?"

(011) The Expedition North

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:11 am
by waysoftheearth
heartless wrote:
"Don't mind Gustave and Thorgrim, they seems to have taken a liking to you."

"Your words are brave Andaros, and if you can hold your own beside us when we have to battle, you are most welcome to join us as we adventure in these lands", says Padrig. "Tomorrow we will take a look at these fortifications this ancient bridge connects to, lets hope there is treasure to be found and not too many creatures that take a dislike to us."

"Everyone, we should find a safe dry place to camp for the night, and if time allows hunt for a few rabbits and any vegetable/fruits we can forage would be nice."

(011) The Expedition North

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:53 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
The greetings are... various... but friendly, and soon it is agreed that Andaros shall stand as the 15th member of the company.

Now your eyes are cast forward where the ruinous works are still four score yards ahead, and a dozen or more yards above your position on the canyon floor. With dusk a scant hour away you press on in the hope of locating somewhere safe to set camp. Within a quarter hour the light of day is all but gone on the canyon floor, though the stone-works themselves -- now just twenty yards ahead and above -- are yet illuminated by the pale orange-grey light of the wintery dusk.

Beneath your feet the going is awkward, for the ground is mostly a bed of rocks and pebbles, and is littered with the ancient detritus of a once wider river. There seems little sign of any safe haven in which to overnight, and you are about to give up finding any such when Olaf makes a grim discovery.

Among the various river flotsam are included the remains of Men! These are in various state of age and decay. Most are just jumbled old bones, but here are there are several fresher litters of most awful bones and sinew crawling with weevils and maggots though the flesh of them is mostly devoured.

"Look there!" warns Padrig, and the sharp eyes of Anwyn, Olaf, and Thorgrim immediately spy what he points out. The others have to squint in the gathering gloom, but soon everyone makes out a short run of roughly hewn stairs ascending some ten feet to a narrow landing along the left hand canyon wall where it appears there is a partially concealed door of rusted iron.

The bridge and stoneworks on the western side of the canyon appear to stand 20ft above concealed door...

(011) The Expedition North

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:20 pm
by waysoftheearth
makofan wrote:
Caine says "Cover me. I am going to check out that door". Caine tries to stealthily climb the stairs and investigate the door

(011) The Expedition North

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:48 pm
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:

In the dying light Caine is as soundless as a shadow as he creeps across the canyon floor to the stair, and then ascends just as soundlessly. Some of you have to blink hard to keep track his progress even though you know he is there!

Atop the coarse and grubby stair, Caine finds the door is larger than it first appeared -- it is near a 6 foot square of dented, rusty iron that is set solidly into the side of the canyon. Despite its beaten condition, it appears as solid as the canyon wall. There is a large iron ring knocker hanging in the center of it, which might also be a handle with which to pull the door open -- but the landing is a rather precarious 3 ft wide ledge, and if one were standing on the wrong side of the door when it were opened, one could easily be swept off the edge. There is a tiny (6 inch square) barred window hole set awkwardly high in the door such that Caine has to strain on his toes to peer into the impenetrable darkness within...