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(039) Dusk 'Til Dawn

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:15 pm
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
The Cloister
doctorx wrote: "The need is not mine directly, sister," Josiane replies; "I come on behalf of a comrade fearfully injured while undertaking a task at the behest of the Holy Church of Thuul. He has suffered the touch of the Undead, and his wounds are beyond my power to heal. I beseech the aid of your most holy order, and ask that you attend on him with all the haste you may."
The matron leads Josiane into a modest meditation room, which is cool and clean, and bare save for a pair of simple wooden desks and chairs. A candle illuminates one desk, upon which is an open book which the sister had apparently been reading.

She shuffles herself into the chair awkwardly, leaving Josiane to stand.

"It is a tragedy indeed when the dead stir after their mortal souls have departed," replies the matron, "But those are matters truly beyond our reckoning. We serve the sick and the injured and the dying here. And though we cannot condone battle or conflict, neither can we ignore the need of those so injured -- we treat all in need equally."

She closes her book with a sigh, then claps her hands sharply, as if to summon assistance. When none is immediately forthcoming she explains;

"The undead can cause grievous hurts against which the only succor is the most Holy absolution, and this is a ritual not undertaken lightly. Your friend's commitment must be total; it will help matters greatly if his faith is already strong. If not... who can say?"

Soon after a younger sister arrives, gliding silently in her habit, and bobs her head to the matron.

"This is sister Margarette," the matron says, and Margarette bobs her head in reply.

Addressing the sister, the matron says; "Accompany this woman, and examine the hurts of her stricken fellow. Taken a bird with you, and send word of the seriousness of his condition. The Sisters will respond accordingly."

Sister Margarette bobs her head in acceptance of this task, and begins to show Josiane the way out...

(039) Dusk 'Til Dawn

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:29 am
by waysoftheearth
danhem wrote:
Ulric waits for the others in the dining room eating bread and cheese and sipping some wine. He absently drops crumbs into a small wooden box as he thumbs through the leather bound journal that he discovered on Flewellen's body.

(039) Dusk 'Til Dawn

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:14 am
by waysoftheearth
doctorx wrote:
Josiane drops to one knee and kisses the matron's hand in gratitude (assuming this is not some breach of holy protocol).

"My deepest thanks to you, Matron Mother," she says; "I stand in your debt. You have but to call upon me should you have need. The blessings of Saint Tamarae and almighty Thuul be upon you and your house."

She rises and turns to Sister Margarette.

"Please follow me Sister."

And, with a final curtsey to the Matron Mother, she takes her leave.

(039) Dusk 'Til Dawn

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:08 pm
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
The Manse

The afternoon is waning before Gustave finally allows himself to be towed out of the tavern and the trio make their way back to the manse.

When they arrive they find Josiane already returned, and a Sister of Mercy tending to Olaf with in the great hall. She sponges at the worst of his wounds with a white cloth soaking in hot water, applies poultices of strong but fresh smelling herbs and chants a low mantra over him as she works.

After some time, Olaf falls into a light sleep and Sister Margarette rises, tired.

"These are wounds most foul," she laments, "They are tainted by a malice I have never yet seen. Alas, it is as the Matron feared; only a Holy Absolution will restore your friend's strength. And such can only be rendered by the Mother Superior, and at great personal cost to her own health. I shall send word to the cloister of this need."

She pens her note on a tiny scroll which she then ties to the leg of the carrier pigeon she has in a tiny cage.

(OOC: The Holy Absolution is a high level cleric spell, which should ordinarily cost 1,000 silver shillings to use/cast. The Mother Superior may accept the undertaking of some righteous quest (of her choosing) in lieu of part payment if you are unable to find the necessary funds...)

(039) Dusk 'Til Dawn

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:48 pm
by waysoftheearth
doctorx wrote:
Josiane will have made sure to pick up her sword on leaving the Cloister! [img]images/smiley/smiley.png[/img]

(039) Dusk 'Til Dawn

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:12 pm
by waysoftheearth
tonneau wrote:
"A Sister of Mercy in the house?", slurs Gustave upon hearing word of the visitor, "Does she have a bed for the night?"

He then lowers himself gently to the floor in the hallway, and passes into a deep, vociferous slumber.

(039) Dusk 'Til Dawn

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:44 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
(Referee rolls Sister Margarette's charisma... 3d6=4, 6, 6=16! She is a gorgeous, humble little thing with enchanting honey eyes and perfect skin).

(039) Dusk 'Til Dawn

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:18 pm
by waysoftheearth
doctorx wrote:
tonneau wrote:"A Sister of Mercy in the house?", slurs Gustave upon hearing word of the visitor, "Does she have a bed for the night?"

He then lowers himself gently to the floor in the hallway, and passes into a deep, vociferous slumber.
Josiane raises her eyes heavenwards with a sigh and steps a little closer to the fair Margarette protectively.

(039) Dusk 'Til Dawn

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:14 pm
by waysoftheearth
ehiker133 wrote:
tonneau wrote:"A Sister of Mercy in the house?", slurs Gustave upon hearing word of the visitor, "Does she have a bed for the night?"

He then lowers himself gently to the floor in the hallway, and passes into a deep, vociferous slumber.
Desmond, leaving his bedroom after depositing his two shields within, walks past the prone figure of The Gustave slumbering on the floor in the hallway. He stops and stares for a moment, slowly shaking his heads, and murmurs, "And they call me odd..."

He then heads down to the dining area, where Olaf and Dieter are discussing plans for cleaning up the basement.

(039) Dusk 'Til Dawn

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:24 am
by waysoftheearth
sulldawga wrote:
Dorgan's ears perk up upon hearing discussion concerning the basement, and he also heads to the dining area to join the conversation.