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(009) Return to Ket

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:18 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
tombowings wrote:Purpose of Study: To seek out The Exigent Secernment
A most direct declaration indeed. The Concourse will surely not be disinterested in the appearance of this Klindik who comes in search of ancient sorceries, yet beds down at a common farmers' lodging...

(009) Return to Ket

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:36 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Gustave & Caine; Brigitta's Lavaliere

Gustave leads on confidently and steps into the tight little jewellery store, Caine nodding his ascent at Gustave's suggested means of discourse.

Within, they find the store dimly lit and little wider than an ample passage. Glass topped benches occupying the full length of both walls and are stocked with beautifully lit and sumptuously presented rings, necklaces, belts, broaches and other precious looking trinkets. Exactly how the lighting in the cabinets works is unclear -- some trick of mirrors, perhaps?

This aside, both Men note that there seems to be little in the way of security as they take the few strides required to reach the proprietor who is at work behind her bench.

"Good morning to you, Sirs," she says in a high pitched voice, looking up from her stone polishing work. Brigitta appears to be a slight and rather young woman with long black hair tied in numerous long tresses. If it were not for the great black rimmed glasses, she would almost appear child like. "How may I help you?"

(009) Return to Ket

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:39 am
by waysoftheearth
tombowings wrote:
waysoftheearth wrote:
tombowings wrote:Purpose of Study: To seek out The Exigent Secernment
A most direct declaration indeed. The Concourse will surely not be disinterested in the appearance of this Klindik who comes in search of ancient sorceries, yet beds down at a common farmers' lodging...
Thinking that The Exigent Secernment would be neither a particularly dangerous nor powerful spell, Flewellen decides that the publicity may not be much of a problem and may even turn into a boon, but changes the name in the book to "The Traveller, Flewellen de Lortin" for good measure.

(009) Return to Ket

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:45 am
by waysoftheearth
tonneau wrote:
"Miss Brigitta, I presume?", inquires Gustave, striding confidently into the shop to stand as close to the woman as the counter will permit. As he breathes in to begin his next sentence, he pauses to sample the air and inclines his head appreciatively, "Perhaps you could be of some assistance to this humble gentlemen", he says, glancing toward Caine, "you see, he has come to me to sell some treasures of the family on his behalf - tinkets really, but maybe they have some worth. It is for his failing mother who suffers deeply from a case of mal-air, it would seem, and has bequeathed her heritage to her dumb nephew here to seek funds to sustain their poor family in this time of need. I act on their behalf as a disinterested citizen, who seeks only the best for his fellows, as I know of the great strain they are under", he sums up, face sorrowful. "Could I appeal to you to glance over what they have to offer; of course, if you do not have the time..."

(009) Return to Ket

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:06 am
by waysoftheearth
heartless wrote:
Padrig lifts his shoulder as he tries not to look burdened by the items he carries, and respectfully walks into the Temple of Thuul.

Padrig looks for a knight and approaches, "Excess me good knight, may I speak with the high priest as I have grave news about one of your Brethren I encountered?"
tombowings wrote:"We come with coin," says Flewellen, glad to be free of the load. "The grand total: 456 silver shillings."
OOC: Can I confirm that Padrig has left the Inn with Sir Rodricks share of coin to return with his items?

(009) Return to Ket

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:52 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Gustave & Caine; Brigitta's Lavaliere

"As Sir is clearly such a handsome and generous gentlemen," squeaks Brigitta, removing her thick rimmed glasses so that she might better gaze upon Gustave's dashing figure, "I'm sure there would be no harm in my appraising your dumb client's ailing mother's noteworthy sparkles." she gives Gustave the brief smile of a co-conspirator as she stands (attaining little more than four feet in willowy height) and presents a purple velvet tray on her workbench which is dazzlingly lit by mirrored lights.

"Shall we?" she inquires, batting her voluptuously dark eye lashes for Gustave. Caine clenches his teeth harder to stop himself from spoiling his fellow's cover story.

The gems and other oddities are laid out upon Brigitta's tray, glinting and sparkling anew under that bright light and the diminutive jeweller is soon about her trade divining the quality of each object with an expert eye. She is apparently eager to make something of an impression upon Gustave with her craftsmanship and knowledge.

"These are pretty to look upon, but are poorly cut and have many small imperfections," she says as she efficiently examines the assortment of 14 thumbnail sized stones -- mostly shades of green, aqua, and marine. "Perhaps a few of them could be cut down for rings or broaches, but a market price for these as they are is around 20 silver shillings a piece. A little more for some, and less for others."

She looks up from her small, inverted periscope and says to Gustave, "If it were me buying these from you, I would pay... perhaps... 35 gold crowns for the lot."

"But this one," she pipes, examining the Crimson Eye Stone intently under her microscope, "This one is the pick of them," she breathes. She turns the hot red stone over beneath the scouring light so that every facet dazzles. "My guess is this stone would fetch 150 silver shillings or more from someone who wanted it. I could pay you 125 right now."

She reluctantly drags her eyes away from the stone and moves on to the other items.

"I can hardly see these on your client's mother's hand," she remarks, tossing aside the crude brass ring and the copper ring set with a dark stone after a cursory examination, "They are far too big and crude for a Lady, and are worth no more than 2 and 10 silver coins besides!"

"But these here are interesting," she says more slowly as she examines the damaged argent choker and the guilded letter opener. "'Tis a pity the choker is damaged, for it would otherwise be a fine and valuable piece. At it is, you may fetch 17 gold crowns or so. If it were fully remade, I could sell such a piece for nearer 50 crowns. And the letter opener is nice, but will be nicer still once cleaned up -- there must be decades of dust on this -- but I still value it at 7 crowns, perhaps 9 when cleaned up."

Finally, she examines the white gold ring for a good long while. "Now this is most peculiar," she says after an inordinately long examination for an article apparently so plain. "I cannot say with certainty exactly what this metal is," she admits, "But the craftsmanship is of the highest quality. I judge it worth... 100 silver shillings, and would pay as much for it right away."

Gustave thanks Brigitte profusely and elegantly for her time. Both he and Caine are feeling very wealthy indeed...

(009) Return to Ket

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:02 pm
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
heartless wrote:OOC: Can I confirm that Padrig has left the Inn with Sir Rodricks share of coin to return with his items?
As far as I am aware, nobody has figured out exactly how the coin is to be divided yet, so it is all under the mattress Victor is sitting on back at the Plow and Furrow.

Padrig has Rodrick's helm, holy symbol, coin purse (containing 3sp and 5cp), and most importantly, The Book of Solemn Contemplation, which is worth well more than a heavy sack of silver.

I suspect that along with gracious news of Rodrick's demise, the above goodies will be considered a princely donation.

(009) Return to Ket

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:34 pm
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Padrig; The Temple of Thuul

Inside the Temple is stately and serene. The floor and walls are rendered from solid blocks of grey and white stone, and seem even to Padrig's faerie eyes to have been here for a very long time.

The calming trickle of running water reaches his ears, and he soon spies the chief alter, a grand stone structure carved in the likeness of The Enigma of Thuul. Padrig never did understand Men's fascination with the strange thing, but he did not come here to discuss philosophy.

He greets the first Templar he seems, a great, broad backed man on his knees in quiet contemplation in the middle of the great stone chamber. In fact, he is the only person present.

He rises at Padrig's greeting, and turns to consider at him. "Well met, Knight of the Wold," he booms in a strong and certain voice as soon as he recognises Padrig as a fellow Templar. "It is not often that the fair folk pay visit to the Temple of Thuul here in Ket!"

As he approaches Padrig notes that he is dressed in a long white tabbard over a shirt of metal chain. Though he is unarmed, it is clear from several scars upon him that he must be a Man of formidable faith.

"I am Sir Hector," he introduces himself with a Knight's courtesy, "And I see from your burden that you bring grim tidings indeed. Come let me summon my brothers so that you might share your news at once."

He takes a few strides and tolls a small gong, which reverberates softly but surely throughout the temple. Soon enough, four more Men enter the main chamber and make themselves courteously known to Padrig. They are Luesius, Tor, Uther and Gahariet, of whom Tor seems most senior.

"Now, bring thy tidings," says Sir Hector.

(009) Return to Ket

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:48 pm
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Flewellen; The Traders' Concourse

Flewellen pays his silver shilling, receives his Study Permit (in the form of a blue ribbon to pin to one's lapel), and follows the grumpy concierge's directions to the stairs, and down to the level below.

He is surprised to find a whole basement level, almost as large as the concourse above, but busier with merchant folk (including Snorks) running piles of paper and scrolls about, and some of them arguing fiercely over their business to boot!

He discretely ignores all this and continues to descend the stair into the depths of the concourse. He had no idea the stair could go so deep, but at last reaches the grim and cramped confines of the library archives. There is but a single lantern flame burning quietly within a glass shod to light the archives, which look to be an endless warren of tight corners and narrow passages all stuffed to overflowing with shelves of papers, ledgers, tomes, scroll, folios and books. Where in the Nine Hells to start?!

"Can I help you, young Sir?" a quiet voice very nearly startles Flewellen, for he had not seen the incredibly bent and aged librarian in the shadows behind a bookshelf. The poor old fellow must have been working in near dark.

(009) Return to Ket

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:48 pm
by waysoftheearth
danhem wrote:
waysoftheearth wrote:"Well, I'm sure that's the half of it," he wheezes, and hacks a cough, as he picks up the goblet and examines it again. "Tell you what," he wheezes, "I'll give you 50 silver shillings for the goblet, and another 20 for the belt."

He puts the items down, and leans on the bench, looking over Ulric's and Olaf's shoulders to the street outside.

"Dang Snorks," he mutters to himself, "Always watching everyone and everything..."
Ulric quickly tucks the goblet and belt back into his pack and away from prying eyes.

"That seems to be a fair value for the cup," Ulric says with a smile. "But you described the belt as an 'artifact of the Yesterage.' What did you mean by that? I would think such an artifact would be worth far more than 20 shillings."

OOC: Assuming that Ulric is rather intelligent, would he be able to determine if these were reasonable values?