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Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 8:04 pm
by rredmond
"Scrolls? What kind of scrolls?" Noh asks right before he flinches away from the flame that just sprung up in the hands of the hobbet next to him.

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:33 pm
by kipper
Dame Simonetta has no oil, but she draws her sword and keeps watch for anything scurrying out from the flames.

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 2:57 pm
by mushgnome
Turns 13-14

Dougal decisively lights a flask of oil and cleanses the ghoul nesting area with flame. It might be hard for the newcomers to understand his impulsive actions, but Dougal has seen first-hand the evils of ghoulism. If Dougal can do his part to eradicate the plague of undeadism from the dungeon, then he does not hesitate to act.

The ghouls' bedding material burns for 1 turn with a cheery glow. There is no escape for the writhing creepy-crawlies as they meet their maker. When the fire seems to be dying down, there is a sudden burst of flame, as though something flammable has caused a secondary fire, then at the end of the 2nd turn, those flames die down too.

Will Dame Simonetta use this opportunity to do any self-care? She's been through a tough fight and got hit the face. Is she vain about her appearance? Does she have any kind of ritual to put herself back together? Just trying to get a read on her character: Does she maintain a noble appearance in the face of adversity, or is she covered in dungeon muck like everyone else?

Our heroes sift the ashes and collect 750 gold pieces! There are 20 coins to a pound, large sacks hold 600 coins, and small sacks hold 100 coins, I believe. Please let your DM know how you bundle up the treasure for transportation. One option you might consider is to cache the gold for future retrieval on your way out of the dungeon.

Additionally our heroes find a silver and moonstone necklace. The finer details of the craftsmanship were damaged by the heat, and now it is only worth 130gp, still a worthwhile haul. Last but not least our heroes find a broken lantern. The glass is completely shattered and it's quite useless. The lantern was full of oil, which accounts for the secondary fire.

Noh inspects the alcove with his druid's senses and gives the verdict: No lice, ticks, roaches, or bedbugs could have survived the inferno. The ashes will nourish new substrate and bolster the cave ecosystem. In a year's time this area will be thriving with fungi, insects, invertebrates, and other healthy subterranean life. Who knows: It might make a comfy new home for dungeon megafauna like a giant lizard or spider-goat.

Our heroes feel a sense of satisfaction, that by destroying the ghouls and their lair, they have contributed to the dungeon upkeep and done their small part for future generations. What next, friends? Your DM suggests up, down, and south are your options, with the south tunnel your safest bet.

OOC: Due to the fire and smoke, I gave +1 chance of wandering monsters, but our heroes lucked out: no encounter.

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:13 pm
by mgtremaine
Kipyln offers up a small sack to collect coin in, once filled it would be placed in his backpack.

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:44 pm
by acodispo
"Well done, Dougal. That was the right thing to do!"

Willie offers up a large sack & a small sack he's been carrying around.

"Why don't we load this all up, and stash it just inside the secret door to the south? Then we can pick it up on our way out. Other than that, let's head south! Our job here is done."

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:40 pm
by rredmond
"How likely is it that our gold will be taken by someone or someone else down here?" Noh asks, hoping that he's not breaking any Lawful rules by the asking of the question. "If the gold has a chance of being taken, I'd rather the takers pack it up in their own bags and sacks, instead of us not only packing it up all nice for them, but also losing our sacks as well the gold. Can we just pile it up behind the secret door, as Willie says, and then go south?" He then scratches Carc under his beak to ensure he is calm after the blaze.

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:20 pm
by ehiker133
Dougal once again shows his dungeoneering experience by pulling five large sacks out of his backpack. "Always carry a handful of these large sacks with you when possible."

He divides the coins up between two bags and tucks the other three back down into his pack.
Honestly, I'm not at all opposed to taking these all the way up to the safety of the Hornpipe Hill House.

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 2:17 am
by kipper
mushgnome wrote: Will Dame Simonetta use this opportunity to do any self-care? She's been through a tough fight and got hit the face. Is she vain about her appearance? Does she have any kind of ritual to put herself back together? Just trying to get a read on her character: Does she maintain a noble appearance in the face of adversity, or is she covered in dungeon muck like everyone else?
That's a good point, she probably would take the time to clean up as best she's able given what she has on hand. However, she would consider it beneath herself to worry overmuch about it, it's more a show of good manners. In either case, it would be the height of rudeness for anyone to comment negatively on her appearance!
ehiker133 wrote:Honestly, I'm not at all opposed to taking these all the way up to the safety of the Hornpipe Hill House.
I agree, we're not very far and this is quite a large haul.

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:33 pm
by rredmond
Noh would be cool with taking the treasure back, considering the others in the party are more experienced with this dungeon :)
Plus, apparently, he forgot sacks and such :oops: Silly druid, his head is still in the woods!

Re: The Second Adventure

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:12 pm
by mushgnome
If y'all like, we could do a quick time-lapse montage back to the surface, deposit the treasure in the Bank o' Pancakes, quick second breakfast, and then whisk you back to the dungeon. Anyone opposed to this idea? Anyone want to nominate a song that would play over this montage sequence?

Equal split of the treasure between the 6 active players? That would be (750 + 130) / 6 = 147gp each.

You get your empty treasure-hauling sacks back, and as a freebie, I will restock anyone who had torches to a full half-dozen inventory. Any other equipment purchases? A new lantern, perhaps?