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Re: [03] The Ziggurat

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:30 am
by waysoftheearth
| Turn 3.8.4 is a combat turn.

The snake-cultists are surprised and cannot retaliate, and furthermore are subject to a +2 attack adjustment, and may drop what they are holding if they are hit.

Missile fire occurs immediately:
Pots 1d20=5 (+1 dexterity, +2 short range, +3 halfling, +2 surprise) hits AC 9, 1d6=6!
Arcus 1d20=11 (+1 dexterity, +1 all hurled missiles are at medium range, +2 surprise) hits AC 9, 1d6=3.
Sullivus 1d20=7 (+1 all hurled missiles are at medium range, +2 surprise) misses AC 9 (by 1 pip!), so Sullivus has undershot the target area.

The referee now dices for hit points: Zealots are 1+1 HD, and this particular pair have 2d6=4,1 so 7 hit points between them.

There's no need to dice to whether they drop their torches and flails; since they have been slain they will of course drop everything. |

The pair of snake-cultists emerge from the passage way into the plaza, only to be subject to a withering hail of missiles! [p Halfling,leather,sling,open hand,9,4/4]Potts[/p] fires stones from his sling, [p Man,mail+helm,spear,shield,9,8/8]Arcus[/p] throws his spear, and [pp Man,cloak,dagger,lantern,12,4/4]Sullivus[/pp] lobs a burning oil bomb at them. Although [pp Man,cloak,dagger,lantern,12,4/4]Sullivus[/pp]' firebomb misses, both men are immediately cut down in the storm, and [p Man,mail+helm,hand ax,shield,9,8/8]Biratlan[/p] is not called upon to exercise his ax arm.

| Leech action to follow in next post... |

Re: [03] The Ziggurat

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:15 am
by waysoftheearth
| Meanwhile, a short distance away the Leech battle draws to its conclusion...

The referee dices for initiative knowing this roll will be fateful for Vergas. If the leeches win the roll, then Vergas will be drained of 1 life-energy level and slain. If the players win the roll, they may be able to destroy the leeches before this happens.

Let the dice talk... 1d6 for the players=5, and for the leeches=4.

Urtzil 1d20=9 (+2 flank attack), misses AC8 (by 1 pip).
Tumbly 1d20=10, misses AC8 (by 1 pip).
Magnus 1d20=20, hits AC8, 1d6=6! slays the weaker leech (1 hp) and deducts 5 hp from the alpha-leech, leaving it with just 5 more hp.

Vergas' struggle to physically overpower the leech and pull it free is resolved as an overbearing contest. The overbearing rules allow each party to throw a d6 for each HD they have, with the higher total winning the contest. It is, perhaps, unfortunate that nobody else tried to assist Vergas in this, as multiple individuals can combine their dice.

As it stands Vergas is 1 HD type so he throws 1d6=5. The giant leech is a 2 HD type so it throws 2d6=8, and wins! Vergas cannot win free, and the leech sucks him dry. |

[p Man,cloak,dagger,open hand,12,5/5]Urtzil[/p] joins the fray, lunging with his dagger, while [p Man,plate+helm,sword,open hand,12,9/9]Magnus[/p] and [p Halfling,mail+helm,mace,shield,9,7/7]Tumbly[/p] continue to hack at the leeches and [p Man,mail+helm,hammer,shield,9,6/6]Vergas[/p] desperately tries to wrench the alpha-leech from his neck before it saps his life's energy from him. The lesser of the two remaining leeches is destroyed, but despite his valiant struggles [p Man,mail+helm,hammer,shield,9,6/6]Vergas[/p] cannot free himself of the leech's horrific sucker, and it gorges down a gallon of his arterial gore, slaying the bold cleric in the process!

| Alas for Vergas! May he rest in peace :) |

Re: [03] The Ziggurat

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:51 am
by mistere29
| Oops, sorry Ratik, I didn't think to combine efforts, although at least Mangus has been damaging the other leeches. The DM has been kind to me, if my rolls hold out I can avenge Vergas! |

Magnus will attack the leach that killed Vergas unless someone else gets hit, then he will try to help pull it off.

Re: [03] The Ziggurat

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 4:26 am
by aspiringlich
[pc Human, Fighter 1]Arcus[/pc] draws his long sword and rushes to attack the nearest slug.

Re: [03] The Ziggurat

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 5:24 am
by waysoftheearth
| Turn 3.8.5 is another combat turn.

Tumbly, Magnus, Urtzil, Biritlan, and Arcus avenge themselves upon the alpha-leech 5d20=15,10,2,8,16 two hits vs AC8 2d6=7 destroying it. |

Tumbly, Magnus, and Urtzil hew at the final leech, ably assisted by Biritlan, and Arcus who come rushing to their aid, and between them they bludgeon the bloated leech into a red-black mess.

| The combat ends in victory, with only one loss; poor Vergas.

The remainder of exploration turn 3.8 (five minutes) is spent recovering from the combat.

What for next turn (dungeon-exploration turn 3.9) brave adventurers? |

Re: [03] The Ziggurat

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:45 am
by ratikranger
| Don't forget to loot Vergas' body! |

Re: [03] The Ziggurat

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:34 pm
by DuBeers
Biratlan loots the cultist's bodies.

Re: [03] The Ziggurat

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:19 pm
by sully
[pc Human,M-U]Sullivus[/pc] will ask for some help in moving Vergas' body to the driest spot available.

"Let's get him out of the water and away from any more leeches. We'll leave his body here and then return with it when we head back to camp."

Sullivus will grab Vergas' backpack as long as it looks like the contents are dry. Unless someone else wants to wear it, he'll sheath his dagger and carry the pack in his hands, along with his lantern.

Before they leave, Sullivus will poke around the bodies of the leeches and make sure they didn't have anything interesting in their gullets.

Re: [03] The Ziggurat

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:44 pm
by Idrahil
sully wrote:[pc Human,M-U]Sullivus[/pc] will ask for some help in moving Vergas' body to the driest spot available.

"Let's get him out of the water and away from any more leeches. We'll leave his body here and then return with it when we head back to camp."

Sullivus will grab Vergas' backpack as long as it looks like the contents are dry. Unless someone else wants to wear it, he'll sheath his dagger and carry the pack in his hands, along with his lantern.

Before they leave, Sullivus will poke around the bodies of the leeches and make sure they didn't have anything interesting in their gullets.
After retrieving his dagger, [pc Halfling, Fighter]Tumbly[/pc] steps up and assists [pc Human,M-U]Sullivus[/pc].

"Shame we lost our holy man. Now no one will have any words said over them when they fall."

Re: [03] The Ziggurat

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:25 pm
by sully
"Someone keep watch where those cultists came from. We don't want to be surprised ourselves."