How To... View or Recognize New/Unread Posts

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Post by ehiker133 » Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:31 pm

How To... View or Recognize New/Unread Posts

There are several ways of taking note of new posts on a thread or forum (game): you can set it up so that you receive e-mail notification, you can use a forum function to view new or unread posts, or you can just use the visual reference of the forum titles.

E-Mail Notification:
You can set it so that any time a forum or thread is updated with a new comment, you receive an e-mail notification indicating so. To do that:
1. Navigate to the desired forum or topic.
2a. If a forum, on the right-hand side of the screen, directly opposite the forum title, there is a link called "Subscribe forum". Click this link.
2b. If a thread, on the right-hand side of the screen, directly opposite the thread title, there is a link called "Subscribe thread". Click this link.
3. Either way, you will receive a message that states, "You have subscribed to be notified of new posts in this (forum/thread)."
4. To unsubscribe to a forum or thread, just click the link in the same location. If you are subscribed to a forum/thread, the link will say, "Unsubscribe forum" or "Unsubscribe thread".

NOTE: You will only receive notification of a new post on the forum/thread once. So if are subscribed to a forum, and receive notification of a new post on that forum, then forget about it, and by the time you visit the forums, you note there are four or five new posts on various threads under that forum, you shouldn't wonder why you didn't receive four or five new notification e-mails; you aren't going to get a notification that there are ADDITIONAL new posts to a forum or thread. Obviously, once you visit the forum, the notification resets for the next time.

View Unread Posts/View New Posts forum functions:
The View Unread Posts and View New Posts functions are located near the top-left corner of your screen. They are basically Advanced Search macro functions built into the forum format. They function based on what threads you have already read.
1. Click the View Unread Posts or View New Posts link.
2. This takes you to a search results page with the appropriate title (depending on which link you selected). Located to the left of each thread title is a very small circle with a triangle in it. Clicking this icon will take you to the first unread post on that thread.

NOTE: These tools are not as useful on a large forum, like ODD74, where you may have many unread forums and threads, but could be quite useful here, where there is only one active game and a smaller General thread.

Visual References:
This function is more common on large forums, where a user may have many threads they don't normally follow or read.
1. When you go to the Board Index page to display all forums, any forums where you have viewed all current posts will display the title in purple. If there are forums with unread or new posts on them, the forum title will display in red. Click the desired red forum title to jump to that forum.
2. Located to the left of each unread thread title under that forum (game) is a very small circle with a triangle in it. Clicking this icon will take you to the first unread post on that thread.

NOTE: If you have troubles differentiating between red and purple colours, this last option may not work very well for you.
[f=47]Dougal Blackfoot (MV 9", AC 6, Lvl 4, HP 10/10) [/f]
[f=59]Goldwen (Sagacious* Abbess, MV 9′′, AC 6, HD 2+1, HP 9, FC 2 men, SV C3, L][/f]

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