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Re: The Fifth Adventure

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 3:36 pm
by mgtremaine
If Kipyn has a clear shot he will spin his sling and release the deadly stone at the beast. Otherwise he would step back and hope the others would do the same so he can get the shot off.

Re: The Fifth Adventure

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 4:26 pm
by mushgnome
OOC: I'll allow Kiplyn's sling shot if the party wins initiative. If the party loses initiative, we'll see what happens...

Re: The Fifth Adventure

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:25 pm
by coffee
Wilbur will draw his sword and prepare to fight the thing, if everybody else does. Or if it attacks.

Re: The Fifth Adventure

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:15 pm
by mushgnome
The "log" lunges aggressively at the Hobbets! It teeters upright, standing 4' in height, and lashes out with six whip-like appendages. Our Heroes stand ready, weapons drawn to fend off the sinewy vines!

Those of you in melee range (Wilbur, Dame Simonetta, and Willie) do you target the vines or the trunk?

OOC: Party wins initiative 6-3. Looks like Kiplyn will be able to get off his sling shot; I will assume he targets the trunk. We'll see if ehiker133 has anything to add, and then I'll start rolling some dice!


Re: The Fifth Adventure

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:10 pm
by kipper
Dame Simonetta will target the trunk.

Re: The Fifth Adventure

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 12:52 pm
by acodispo
Willie sees Dame Simonetta going for the trunk, and he decides to play decoy -- he slashes at the nearest vine, then darts out of the way toward the next vine. He fights defensively, not worried about doing any damage to the vines but just keeping them occupied while the others attack the trunk!

Re: The Fifth Adventure

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:54 am
by coffee
Wilbur will attack the trunk.

Re: The Fifth Adventure

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:04 pm
by mushgnome
OOC: Let's roll some dice! I will assume Dougal stands with Kiplyn and fires a sling stone.

Kampfult Battle Round 1

The Hobbets get the drop on the sinewy mugger! Can our Heroes finish it off before it gets to counter-attack?

Dougal and Kiplyn have a clear shot to fire with their slings. Kiplyn is closer to the mark, but both shots miss just wide. The slender, log-shaped creature is not an easy target! The Hobbets will not be able to safely make any missile attacks next round, for reasons which will become apparent...

Wilbur attacks the trunk but fails to penetrate the creature's bark-like skin.

Dame Simonetta misses with her sword but drives her main-gauche into the sinewy mugger's trunk. A sticky, sap-like substance oozes from the wound. Is this thing a plant or an animal? Despite the wound, it fights on!

Willie takes an ineffectual swipe at the vines, and succeeds at drawing the monster's attention! The sinewy mugger targets Willie with all six of its attacks: One of the vines misses, but the other five wrap around Willie and lift him off the ground! Willie's arms are pinned at his sides and he feels his ribs crack. He will surely be squeezed to death if his friends cannot save him!

The kampfult makes whipping motions at the party with its one free tentacle, trying to hold back our Heroes while it finishes off Willie. Oh no!!
Willie forgoes his attack to play decoy; let's say this gives his friends a +2 flanking bonus to their attacks vs the trunk. Will they make the most of Willie's heroics?

Dougal 5 miss
Kiplyn 14 miss
Dame Simonetta 7 miss, 19 hit 1hp
Wilbur 6, 11 miss

Kampfult vs Willie 15, 18, 17, 3, 19, 16 hit w/ 5 vines for 5hp constriction damage, dropping him to 4/9hp and holding him fast!
Let's give Willie a save vs. paralysis to keep his arms free. Willie rolls 1d20=1, fail!

Re: The Fifth Adventure

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:05 pm
by mgtremaine
Kiplyn shouts "No" and draws his dagger and rushes the tree in desperate attempt to save Willie.
Missed it by that much :x

Re: The Fifth Adventure

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:52 pm
by kipper
Dame Simonetta continues attacking the trunk, hoping to either slay the creature outright or at least hurt it enough for it to drop Willie.