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Re: The First Adventure

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 3:01 am
by mushgnome
Turn 11, Combat Turn 0

A pale white, many-legged creature drops from the ceiling and surprises Willie. The last thing he sees before he is knocked unconscious is the face of an albino billy-goat, glaring at him with its devil-eyes. The monster head-butts Willie in the jaw, and he sees stars!

The other four Hobbets see this: Willie is knocked to the ground by a creature twice his size. It smashes him in the face, and a handful of teeth go flying! The monster stands protectively over Willie, rears up on its eight legs, and utters a baleful bleating sound!

Willie's lantern is knocked from his hand and clatters toward the crevasse. The flame flickers and sputters...

What next, Hobbetses?
Happy holidays, everyone! Time for some action...

Surprise check: 1d6=6
The creature hates light and auto-targets Willie.
Attack roll=14
0 hit points damage; it wants him alive.
Willie's save vs. paralysis=5
1d6=6 teeth

Re: The First Adventure

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 3:24 am
by acodispo
Willie lies still on the ground & bleeds!

Re: The First Adventure

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 3:32 am
by mushgnome
What does Willie dream? Please describe only the first turn of the dream, for now.

Re: The First Adventure

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 6:26 pm
by acodispo
In Willie's Dream:

Ma Whitfoot sets down a towering stack of steaming, butter-drenched griddle cakes on the old table in the family kitchen.

"Thanks, Ma!" cries Willie with glee, and reaches eagerly for his knife and fork.

"Not so fast, young man!" barks Ma. "Wilibald Wuthering Whitfoot, how many times do I have to tell you not to eat with your fingers ... attached?!"

From its place tucked behind her apron she draws forth a massive axe, and begins swinging it & tossing it in the air.

"First Rule of Dinner Club: fingers on the table, young man!" she orders.

Willie grudgingly places his hand on the familiar, worn table-top, and then ...

Re: The First Adventure

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 5:40 am
by Ebon Hearted Soul
[OOC: was Willie the only hobbet with a lantern or torch lit?]

Chegs raises his shield into position & prepares to strike the white beastie if it should close within range.

Re: The First Adventure

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 3:26 pm
by mushgnome
Willie's lantern is (was?) the only light source.

There is no rush. I know people are busy around the new year. I'll wait a few days if necessary for everyone to check in.

Re: The First Adventure

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 10:22 am
by Tonneau
Potty is examining a potentially interesting fungal patch when there is a thud combined with a gargled scream, and - before he can glance up - a bloodied tooth lands in front of his glass.

He reaches out to retrieve it in confusion when the lights go out.

Oh dear, he thinks.
Potty pockets his glass and holds his walking stick up defensively against the darkness...all of it

Re: The First Adventure

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 8:13 pm
by ehiker133
Feeling a sort of friendship he’s never felt before... maybe it comes from adventuring together... Dougal draws his sword, advances towards the... goat... and attacks!

Re: The First Adventure

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:56 am
by waysoftheearth
PULL HIM BACK! Yells Tet, as he dives to save the lantern from going over the edge.
Happy New Year folks!

I fear if the lights go out we won't last a jiffy. Someone work on a plan B in case Tet doesn't make it...

Re: The First Adventure

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:36 am
by mushgnome
Combat Turn 1

Willie's nightmare continues. (Please narrate 1 additional turn of his dream sequence.)

Potty and Chegs prepare for the worst.

Dougal bravely stands up to the eight-legged goat and stabs it in the chest with his sword. The beast seems more surprised than damaged by the hobbet's aggression and gives an angry hissing sound.

Tet runs as fast as he can to catch the runaway lantern. He dives at full extension, but just misses as the lantern slips through his fingertips. Tet lands on his belly with his arm, shoulder, and head hanging over the lip of the crevasse. He watches the lantern drop into the abyss; it falls a looooooooong way, fading to a distant spark, and then the light is snuffed out and Tet hears a faint 'splash' sound.

The party is plunged into total darkness.

Your intentions for Turn 2?

It's showtime!

Tet must roll 1d20 under his Dex to catch the lantern. He just misses with a roll of 11.

Dougal wins initiative 3-2 and rolls 16 to hit for 4hp damage.