Delve 8 Aftermath

Makofan's Deep Dungeon Crawl PBP

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Post by Makofan » Sat Mar 28, 2020 10:44 pm

Delve 8 Aftermath

The rings were not magic, but very expensive Jewellery which you sold for 5000 gp each. The only magical item was the chain mail bikini +3, which you can sell for 5000 gp. I will deduct 100 gp from the group for magic item identification

6 zombies @ 200 xp = 1200 xp
6 giant spiders @ 100 xp = 600 xp
2 skeletons @100 xp = 200 xp
2 birdmen @100 xp =200 xp

= 2200 xp

teak figurines worth 500 gp = 500 xp
3370 sp worth 337 gp = 337 xp
65 gp worth 65 gp = 65 xp
chain mail bikini +3 worth 5000 gp = 5000 xp
2 rings @ 5000 gp each = 10000 xp

= 15902 gp

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Post by Makofan » Sat Mar 28, 2020 11:01 pm

Re: Delve 8 Aftermath

Monster xp: 2200/6 = 367 each
Treasure xp: 15902/6 = 2650 xp each
Treasure distribution after expenses: 2634 gp each

Total xp for 0% bonus: 3017 xp
Total xp for 5% bonus: 3168 xp
Total xp for 10% bonus: 3319 xp

Rhod: 3581 + 3017 = 6598 xp, 1361 + 2634 gp = 3995 gp
Grampus: 4200 + 3319 = 7519 xp, 1403 + 2634 gp = 4037 gp
Llewellyn: 363 + 3319 = 3682 xp, 8 + 2634 gp = 2642 gp
Aldbane: 4200 + 3319 = 7519 xp, 1246 + 2650 gp = 3896 gp
Wiglaff: 448 + 3319 = 3767 xp, 24 + 2634 gp = 2660 gp
Maloof: 3177 + 3319 = 6496 xp, 621 + 2634 gp = 3255 gp

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Post by Makofan » Sat Mar 28, 2020 11:14 pm

Re: Delve 8 Aftermath

Rhod hits Level 3 Fighter
New Hit Points are 12
Saves (except Breath) increase by 2
Chance to Hit increases by 1

Llewellyn hits Level 3 Cleric
New Hit points are 9
Spells are L1: 2
Turn Undead is more powerful

Aldbane hits Level 4 Cleric
Saves increase by 1
New Hit points are 13
Spells are L1: 2, L2: 1
Turn Undead is more powerful
Chance to Hit increases by 2

Wiglaff hits Level 2 Magic User
Spells are L1: 2

Maloof hits Level 4 Cleric
Saves increase by 1
New Hit Points are 16
Spells are L1: 2, L2: 1
Turn Undead is more powerful
Chance to Hit increases by 2

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Post by Makofan » Sat Mar 28, 2020 11:15 pm

Re: Delve 8 Aftermath

I am assuming the next delve is the same group of six people

Character Player Race Class Lvl
Aldbane Merias H Cl 4
Wiglaff acodispo Elf F/MU* 2/2
Grampus SneakeyPete Dw Ftr 3
Rhod coffee H Ftr 3
Maloof kipper H Cl 4
Llewellyn vile H C 3

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Post by kipper » Sun Mar 29, 2020 12:03 am

Re: Delve 8 Aftermath

Maloof will memorise: Detect Evil, Detect Magic; Find Traps

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Post by acodispo » Mon Mar 30, 2020 1:37 am

Re: Delve 8 Aftermath

Wiglaff will memorize color spray & sleep.

He will adventure as a Fighter this time, but will start out with his armour safely stowed in porter Phillippe's pack (AC9), so that he can freely cast spells.

He also has the men-at-arms Wodan, Ivar, and Sigmund along, and Edgar the lantern bearer.

He'll purchase two extra flasks of oil for Edgar, and 5 flasks of holy water which he nestles carefully in his own backpack (129gp).

He'll bring 200gp with him & leave the rest of his coin banked on the surface.
Last edited by acodispo on Mon Mar 30, 2020 1:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
[f=47]Wilibald "Willie" Whitfoot, F1/T1 (M 12", AC 6, HD 1+2, hp 9/9, L) gambeson+helm, shield+warhammer[/f]
[f=59]Witherun [Agile Hero, MV 12′′, AC 6, HD 4, hp 16, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, L] hide+helm, shield+dagger or bow[/f]

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Post by acodispo » Mon Mar 30, 2020 1:40 am

Re: Delve 8 Aftermath


[Rhod F3][Grampus Dw3]
[Aldbane C4][Wodan hench]
[Edgar lantern][Maloof C4]
[Llewellyn C3] [Wiglaff E2]
[Aiden torch] [Nori hench]
[Ivar hench] [Sigmund hench]
[Phillippe porter]
[Ori hench] [Dori hench]
[f=47]Wilibald "Willie" Whitfoot, F1/T1 (M 12", AC 6, HD 1+2, hp 9/9, L) gambeson+helm, shield+warhammer[/f]
[f=59]Witherun [Agile Hero, MV 12′′, AC 6, HD 4, hp 16, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, L] hide+helm, shield+dagger or bow[/f]

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Post by merias » Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:41 pm

Re: Delve 8 Aftermath

Aldbane memorizes CLW, protection from evil, and hold person.
Aldbane the Cleric (Level 5 MV 6" AC 2/3 HD 4 HP 18) plate +1, shield+2, helm, silvered war hammer, sling, staff of healing

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Post by Makofan » Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:58 pm

Re: Delve 8 Aftermath

Since Vile pops in once per month, I won't bother waiting for him to report on spell memorization, and I'll get the new expedition started

What will be the plan for this expedition?

Posts: 1448
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Post by acodispo » Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:24 am

Re: Delve 8 Aftermath

There are a couple of unexplored areas in the north of level 1 we could clear.

But I'm also eager to try out the elevator. :D
[f=47]Wilibald "Willie" Whitfoot, F1/T1 (M 12", AC 6, HD 1+2, hp 9/9, L) gambeson+helm, shield+warhammer[/f]
[f=59]Witherun [Agile Hero, MV 12′′, AC 6, HD 4, hp 16, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, L] hide+helm, shield+dagger or bow[/f]

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