Sully's Second Delve

Moderator: Makofan

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Post by sully » Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:16 pm

Re: Sully's Second Delve

Muhali says, Why would you stay here with all the dangers about? Especially now that Alistair is dead. What's so attractive about being down here?
Thanis [Stealthy Hero, MV 12′′, AC 7, HD 4, hp 16, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, N]. Hooded cloak, padded armor, sword, longbow +1 & quiver of arrows, dagger.

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Post by Makofan » Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:41 pm

Re: Sully's Second Delve

"Alistair is dead? Good riddance, I say. I'm stuck down here until I accumulate 1000 gold pieces to buy my freedom"

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Post by sully » Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:49 pm

Re: Sully's Second Delve

Muhali says, Tell you what. Give me what valuables you have, teach Aolis that new spell, and draw me a map of the dungeon as far as you know it, and you can leave.
Thanis [Stealthy Hero, MV 12′′, AC 7, HD 4, hp 16, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, N]. Hooded cloak, padded armor, sword, longbow +1 & quiver of arrows, dagger.

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Post by Makofan » Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:44 pm

Re: Sully's Second Delve

The berserkers had 412 s.p. divided between them in 3 chests in their room, and 26 g.p. divided between three belt pouches

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Post by Makofan » Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:47 pm

Re: Sully's Second Delve

Pres teaches Aolis a spell he devised called a Magic Missile spell (This is a conjured missile equivalent to a magic arrow, and it does full damage (2-7 points) to any creature it strikes. For every five levels the magic-user has attained he may add an additional two missiles when employing this spell, so a 6th level magic-user may cast three magic missiles at his target, an 11th level magic-user casts five, and so on. Range 15")

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Post by Makofan » Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:48 pm

Re: Sully's Second Delve

All Pres has for treasure is 386 s.p., 25 g.p. in a pouch on his person

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Post by Makofan » Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:51 pm

Re: Sully's Second Delve

Gret lights a new torch

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Post by Makofan » Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:04 am

Re: Sully's Second Delve

Pres' map
Pres' map
Pres.png (294.11 KiB) Viewed 14418 times

Posts: 1294
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Post by sully » Tue Jun 23, 2015 2:28 pm

Re: Sully's Second Delve

Muhali takes the 25 gp from Pres but leaves him the silver.

That's more than what Alistair would have let you keep. Now I'm a man of my word. You're free to leave.
Are the berserkers' weapons worth anything?
Thanis [Stealthy Hero, MV 12′′, AC 7, HD 4, hp 16, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, N]. Hooded cloak, padded armor, sword, longbow +1 & quiver of arrows, dagger.

Posts: 2318
Joined: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:53 pm

Post by Makofan » Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:26 pm

Re: Sully's Second Delve

Maybe get 5 gp each for them.

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