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Re: (073) Wind and Sand

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 2:05 pm
by mushgnome
Highbough will absolutely use his blink power to escape from the worm's jaws and hopefully put some distance between himself and his pursuers.

Re: (073) Wind and Sand

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 9:41 pm
by Eris
Olaf exits the skiff after Desmond and Armando. He quickly looks around and says, "Either up or into the stone passages. Staying here is a bad idea.

Olaf heads for the stone passages if he can make it.

Re: (073) Wind and Sand

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 10:51 pm
by Condorcet
Helmut rises from amid broken timbers and a small lake of sand to see the new world now caving in on him!

Shaking sand from his hair (and feeling the rivulets of it roll down between his shoulder-blades), he drags Josiane to her feet and propels both of them toward the broken portal after the one called Armando.

Re: (073) Wind and Sand

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 10:59 pm
by mgtremaine
Wen speeds lightly across the sand, laughing with glee as he goes. He looks for a target as he makes his way to the ancient stone ring.
Knowing that firing backwards tricky Wen would first look for a shot that doesn;t require that. I'm not under the illusion that I can kill one of these things but the more confusion I stir the better the odds of the party getting away. So if I have shot at the Highbough Worms I take it.

Re: (073) Wind and Sand

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 1:56 pm
by doctorx
Josiane makes all haste to follow Helmut's lead and leap clear of the sand-drenched vessel.

She will then look around, taking in her new and unexpected surroundings. Her grey eyes blink a couple of times.


She then notes the labyrinthine passages stretching away into the alien dark, cocks her head to one side slightly as if listening to someone, then gives a nod of confirmation.

"Of course. Dungeons. It makes sense there would be dungeons."

She then gasps and reaches for her sword as a hulking, bloodstained form shambles menacingly out of the sand and the shadows.

Then she realises it's Dieter.

"Lord Dieter! Thuul preserve us, what's happened to you? By the Saint, surely you didn't attempt to fight one of those monsters? :o "

Her look becomes more purposeful.

"I must tend your wounds. Let us withdraw into yonder passages as swiftly as we may. I think it will safer to minister to you there than in this worm-hole; at least I pray it will be... :? "

Re: (073) Wind and Sand

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:19 am
by heartless
Ashtad slides out form the broken ship to join Desmond and Armando. "By the Gods that was the locals I guess! I'm for getting somewhere safe, soon!", says Ashtad.

Re: (073) Wind and Sand

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 1:25 pm
by coffee
Dieter offers no resistance Josiane pulling him out of the worm tunnel to tend his wounds. He has a haggard look about him, even worse than the time he faced that giant.

Re: (073) Wind and Sand

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 9:45 am
by doctorx
The Vagabond Knight is suddenly all business as she takes her giant patient in hand.

"Desmond, Mondes, Armando; please scout ahead. Olaf, Torben, Ashtad; watch to the rear. Helmut; please assist me with our wounded comrade. Ulric; We may have need of the Speculem once more. I would know the swiftest path to Lord Gustave in this benighted place."
Any chance of a map of our new surroundings please, ways?

Re: (073) Wind and Sand

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 1:51 pm
by ehiker133
Desmond takes a moment to take in his new surroundings, taking note of what is man-made (or wolfman-made?), the size of humanoid the structures were meant for, and, as best he can tell, age.

"Makes sense that people would travel and live underground with such a harsh landscape above..."

He also looks for any signs of water - wet stone, the sounds of dripping water, and so forth.

Re: (073) Wind and Sand

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 5:50 pm
by mgtremaine
Alrighty Highbough and Wen vs 4 Purple Worms, I like these odds! Let's finish them off. :lol: