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Re: (080) Where a Hobbet Goes

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 11:22 am
by waysoftheearth
Dungeon Exploration Turn 7 was begun with 4 combat turns. The remainder of turn 7 will therefore be occupied with resting and recovery and any searching of the bodies.

Stratagems can be discussed while resting, of course...

Re: (080) Where a Hobbet Goes

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:02 pm
by ehiker133
Leudigar wipes his Bleakmass Blade clean of blood and gore and examines it in the torchlight to see how it fared in the battle. Does it appear to be a good blade? Extraordinary in any way? Once that is done, he begins searching the bodies of the hobs and bugbear for anything of value.

Re: (080) Where a Hobbet Goes

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 11:30 pm
by The Red Baron
Dopey heads back to the collapsed wall to reclaim his dropped dirk and shield. He tests a sample of debris to discover if it is actual stone and attempts to discern the mechanism by which it was destroyed.

"I'll need to get out of this armor and remove the bolt," says the hobbet to himself. "That may take some time... I had better wait until we retire to a position free from goblin patrols."

Re: (080) Where a Hobbet Goes

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:47 am
by riftstone
Faengol slumps down, exhausted, his elven skin pallid.

"Calling takes all my energies. I must rest an Él Lintalë before I can call again. I am glad we were the victors."

(ooc: Él Lintalë - Star Dance, he means night)

Re: (080) Where a Hobbet Goes

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 5:35 am
by Eris
Freid shouts, "Hurrah!", as the bugbear and hobgoblin fall, "Are there more coming?"

Re: (080) Where a Hobbet Goes

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 11:57 pm
by mgtremaine
Zem looks around for any other foes and then at the others "By my father beard, look at me! I'm huge!."

Re: (080) Where a Hobbet Goes

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:05 pm
by heartless
After the battle Kianna lowers her shield and sword and says to Faengol, "Nice spell, I like the growing into a giant touch. We should swap spells once get out of here." Then she turns to the injured and says, "You all fight with great courage but you need your strengh to fight again, so rest a moment and I will tend to your wounds for I am a cleric with healing arts."
Kianna will bind the wounds of the group, to stop the bleeding and restore some health.

Re: (080) Where a Hobbet Goes

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:33 pm
by waysoftheearth
As the dust settles, Fried observes that there are no more enemy present; the battle is truly won. Ogre-sized Zem stomps about exalting in his new-found statue. He is indeed massive.

Leudigar cleans the black blood from the silvered sword, then examines it keenly. It has served him well this day, that much is certain; rarely has he fought more effectively. The sword looks fine enough, in his eye, even if it's not absolutely flawless. Then he loots the bodies of the slain, recovering six hobgoblin purses with a handful of coins in each. The bugbear wears a large but plain brass ring on its knobbly paw.

Dopey reacquaints himself with his own gear, then examines the mysterious wall. There is no debris littered about; the wall has not crumbled at all, rather, it has sunken into a recess in the ground.

Faengol rests, and Kianna rejoins the company, returning from the Bleakmass Tree room.
All this occurs during the remainder of Dungeon Exploration Turn 7.

What are your orders for Turn 8?

Re: (080) Where a Hobbet Goes

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:34 pm
by mgtremaine
"We best find the others" Zem would head back as well. Hoping to tend his wound and rest a bit.

Re: (080) Where a Hobbet Goes

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 12:32 am
by waysoftheearth
A rest will get you 1-6 hp back. It also requires a full turn.

If anyone is going to rest, they need to do so before moving on else the opportunity to recoup hp after this battle is lost.