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(026) Happenstance in Ket

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:56 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
The township of Ket is not so great that it cannot be crossed in an hour, even on its busiest market day. Today it is not half so busy, all present can raise their eyes to the roof-line of the town, and spy above all the other roofs the pointed steeple of Thuul. The temple stands up on the highest ground of Ket, in the eastern quarter.

Josiane leads her company out of the busy alley as several groups of testy looking merchants (Snorks and Men) and their respective body-guards arrive and begin shouting matches... all seemingly want to blame each other.

The party heads down Crib street, through the heart of warehouse district, until they come to the mill, where the smell of raw wood and sap is strong in the air even though wood cutting has ceased for the day. From there the steeple is over the roof-tops to their right, so Josiane chooses Bow Street, and begins the uphill march past the workshops of carpenters, masons, buckle-makers, cobblers and other artisans. Many of these are just now beginning to shut their doors for the day.

A few minutes more, and they turn left onto Church Street from where they can see the temple directly ahead of them, a the very top of the low hill. Dusk will not touch the grey sky for an hour or two yet...

(026) Happenstance in Ket

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:09 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
The four pass few people on the final ascent up Church Street; most folk must be indoors, or heading there, to prepare for their evening meals.

At last they reach the Temple of Thuul. It is a tall structure of white and grey marble with great wide arches supporting a steep, copper clad roof that rises up to a lofty steeple. Atop it all is a great silver Enigma of Thuul. Thuul's Templars must indeed be the industrious sort, thinks Dorgon, fully appreciating the amount of stone work involved. The vast majority of Ket's buildings are crude timber structures by comparison.

The Temple stands reverently in the centre of a wide circle of manicured green grass in which are several neat gravel paths, well tended herb gardens, and trickling water fountains. There is no fence or gate to prevent trespass...

What now?

(026) Happenstance in Ket

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:49 am
by waysoftheearth
doctorx wrote:
"You should be aware that my presence is no guarantee of any favour here," Josiane whispers urgently to her comrades; "My standing within the Order is - contentious to say the least. However, I trust in the Saint and Almighty Thuul to guide us to aid."

She stands for a moment, looking up at the elegant steeple. Unusually for her, you sense a degree of uncertainty - even nervousness - about her.

"It might be an idea if someone else does the talking," she volunteers finally, before taking a deep breath and starting down the gravel path.

(026) Happenstance in Ket

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 2:36 am
by waysoftheearth
sulldawga wrote:
Dorgan looks very confused. He scratches his chin through his whiskers as he ponders Josiane's words.

"What did you do, steal some silver on the way out last time you was here?"

The dwarf dutifully follows Josiane up the path, despite his misgivings.

"I guess I can show 'em the claw marks on my neck. I ain't much for talking but these wounds can speak for us."

OOC: I don't suppose there are any dwarfish gods' temples in this city?

(026) Happenstance in Ket

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:38 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Dorgan; there are few Dwarves in these parts. Most that find their way to Ket are lonely travellers indeed for the Dwarfs are far away in the east. Farther even than the Elves of Wildwood.

There once was a Dwarfish bastion built in the Hinterlands over a lode of silver. But is has been overrun by Goblins and abandoned for more than a (Dwarf) generation.

There is no Dwarfish temple in this land of Men.

(026) Happenstance in Ket

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:43 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
The four approach the temple, ill at ease.

The garden is tranquil, and their feet seem to crunch loudly upon the gravel path. It is a calming quiet, to be sure, but soon they reach the temple proper, and it's great oaken double door is cast wide open.

Inside the Temple is stately and serene. The floor and walls are rendered from solid blocks of grey and white stone, and seem even to Dorgan's eyes to have been here for a very long time.

The calming trickle of running water reaches their ears, and after only a few strides they espy the chief alter, a grand stone structure carved in the likeness of The Enigma of Thuul.

Josiane's throat swells with pride, but the others are only fascinated with the strange thing. In any case, they did not come here to discuss philosophy.

Kneeling before the alter in solemn contemplation is a great, broad backed man. He is some 30 yards away and seems, in fact, to be the only person present...

(026) Happenstance in Ket

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:03 pm
by waysoftheearth
doctorx wrote:
sulldawga wrote:Dorgan looks very confused. He scratches his chin through his whiskers as he ponders Josiane's words.

"What did you do, steal some silver on the way out last time you was here?"

The dwarf dutifully follows Josiane up the path, despite his misgivings.
"It is not what I did, but who I am," says Josiane quietly; "But these are good men regardless. I do not doubt we shall find aid here."

(026) Happenstance in Ket

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:07 pm
by waysoftheearth
doctorx wrote:
Josiane takes a moment to drop to her knee in reverence before the altar. She then follows the party forward as they approach the man.

(026) Happenstance in Ket

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:45 pm
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
The Man rises as the company approaches, and watches as Josiane takes a moment to kneel before The Enigma.

Mads and Percy, meanwhile, hang back near the rows of humble pews... each having their own reasons. Dorgan isn't sure where he should be, and finds himself stranded halfway between Josiane and the other pair.

When Josiane rises she faces the Man and sees that despite his plain white novice's robe, his face and hands appear blustered by sun and wind, and fading scars linger here and there. A Man of action, then, she determines. He has auburn hair, a neatly trimmed ginger beard, and steady hazel eyes. Moreover, he is tall, strongly built, and not hard to look at.

"Greetings travellers," says the Man, evenly. "I am called Denim. And who might you be?"

(026) Happenstance in Ket

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:07 pm
by waysoftheearth
doctorx wrote:
Josiane looks around expectantly, only to find the rest of the party lurking behind her at various distances...

She looks again upon the weather-beaten, battle-scarred man. There is a moment of indecision as she considers retreating behind Dorgan, but then a strong resolve washes over her. She stands in the holy temple of Thuul. She will not retreat. And she will not lie.

"Greetings, Brother Denim. My name is Josiane. I am foster-daughter to Sir Jehan the Venturous, Knight of the Guardian Path, rest to his noble soul. My companions and I have come upon a great evil within this town. We beseech your aid against it."

And she waits to see what fate her White Lady intends for her...