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Re: The Sixth Adventure

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 4:15 pm
by kipper
Dame Simonetta moves to collect the fallen ring(s) before she loses sight of them. However, she most certainly won't attempt to wear them!

Re: The Sixth Adventure

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:46 pm
by ehiker133
Dougal bends down and picks up the ring that was on the sinister hand.

He examines it closely for value and to look for any markings or writing.
There's no way Dame Simonetta beats Dougal to the ring that was on the left hand. ;)

Re: The Sixth Adventure

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 11:05 pm
by dtspurrier
bilfur asks, " this walking stick looks nice and interesting I would like to keep this." Bilfur does open the scroll case to see if he can read the writing

Re: The Sixth Adventure

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 1:25 pm
by mgtremaine
Kiplyn finishes searching the rest of the area after the the skeleton has been dealt with. "I'm ready to have pancakes and maybe a bath."

Re: The Sixth Adventure

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:19 pm
by acodispo
"Yeah! Let's lock this place up and get out of here."

I think the plan is: out to 32, southwest, then take the northwest fork that hopefully leads without too much more danger back to area 10.

Re: The Sixth Adventure

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 4:09 pm
by kipper
acodispo wrote:
Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:19 pm
"Yeah! Let's lock this place up and get out of here."

I think the plan is: out to 32, southwest, then take the northwest fork that hopefully leads without too much more danger back to area 10.

Re: The Sixth Adventure

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 5:08 pm
by mushgnome
Dougal's ring has a skull and Dame Simonetta's ring has a spider. They are made from the same strange metal as the bullion, making it impossible to appraise their value. Your friendly DM will assume that our Heroes don't put on the rings (not even a little bit, just to try them on), without their explicit say-so.

Bilfur gives the contents of the scroll case a quick peek. It doesn't look like a spell scroll, more like historical documents or letters. There are two written languages: one language is English, and the other language is a runic alphabet that Bilfur doesn't recognize. Bilfur thinks it will take him at least 1 full turn to read the papers, and he will have to make a MYTHOS check, so he puts the scroll case away for now. He can study it at his leisure, on the surface.

The party has now fully searched the area. To recap the treasure found:

12 metal ingots
12 fanny packs
12 silver daggers
12 whistles
1 scroll case (Bilfur)
1 staff (Bilfur)
1 spider ring (Dame Simonetta)
1 skull ring (Dougal)

There's a slight logistical problem. To bring all this treasure back to the surface, the party is looking at an extra 60 pounds per person, just for the metal bars alone. Hobbets can carry 150lbs with a movement rate of 6", or up to 225lbs with a movement rate of 3". The strong party members (Bilfur, Willie, Wilbur) can carry 200lbs at 6" or 300lbs at 3".

If the party has a clever plan for efficiently carrying all this treasure (for example you figure out some way to carry or drag it cooperatively), then I might let you "cheat" a little on your max encumbrance, and exit the dungeon at 6" movement rate. But if there is no plan, and you are just stuffing loot in your pockets willy-nilly, then you're looking at 3" movement rate, which will double the number of wandering monster checks on your way back to the surface.

(As a footnote: If this were an all-races campaign, I would probably penalize a Hobbet's maximum encumbrance by 1 category. Hobbets weigh what, 30 or 40 pounds? It's crazy to think they can carry hundreds of pounds of loot through the dungeon. But for purposes of this all-Hobbet campaign, we will continue to hand-wave such things. Maybe we can imagine that "Hobbet pounds" are proportionately lighter than "Human pounds" and it all cancels out?)

Re: The Sixth Adventure

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 6:53 pm
by mgtremaine
Kiplyn looks over the stacks again, picks up a bar of metal, then another, then sets them down again. "I think we might want to leave a few of these behind hidden in this room. I know some of you are pretty strong but I think the rest of us will struggle with the weight and not be able to help if we run into trouble. But let's take everything else and leave 3 or 6 of these here for later."

Re: The Sixth Adventure

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 10:34 pm
by dtspurrier
( not exactly sure Bilfur can read) Bilfur will study this later. He comments, " lets take what we can an come back for the rest"

(OOC for identifying items what is the rules for this, trial and error, this is of course casting detect magic first)

Re: The Sixth Adventure

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 6:21 am
by kipper
Dame Simonetta broaches the possibility of loading up a couple of the footlockers with the ingots, and then carry them between us.