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Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 5:30 pm
by mushgnome
D'oh! My bad. Call it "the will of Athena"!

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 4:07 pm
by mushgnome
This is my next campaign idea I'm working on, to be run over on odd74 forum. Curious 1. your feedback/comments, if it sounds fun or maybe you have a suggestion to make it better; and 2. if you are interested in playtesting any of these concepts in our ongoing Hobbet Heroes campaign?

Mushgnome's Underworld Survival

When I was a kid, one of my favorite books was the AD&D Dungeoneer's Survival Guide by Douglas Niles. I never actually got to use this book with my friends (because everybody wanted to play hack-and-slash one-shot adventures) but I spent many hours flipping through the book and studying the maps. I dreamed of someday finding the right players for an underground 'point-crawl' campaign, where the PCs would cover vast distances underground, interacting with alien civilizations, and going weeks/months/years without seeing the sun.

Mushgnome's Underworld Survival is my grown-up version that dream. But rather than using the DSG's implied AD&D setting (which has way too many MM2 monsters, like cloakers and aboleth, for my taste) this will be 1974 style: based on the OD&D '3LBBs' plus Outdoor Survival. You know how a lot of D&D players use the Outdoor Survival map as their campaign 'wilderness'? This campaign is kind of like an underground version of that, with the PCs encountering various underground hazards as they canvas the map looking for resources (and trying not to get lost).

The 'resource management' portion of the game tracks 5 main resources: food, water, light, each PCs' individual hit points, and the group's overall Life Level (a concept from Outdoor Survival). The party's Life Level is interactive with the individual PCs' condition. For example the party can trade a Life Level to heal a wounded PC. The PC regains their lost hit points, but the party travels a little bit slower, representing the burden of caring for the wounded member. Or an example in the other direction, if a fatigued party is joined by fresh reinforcements, this might restore a Life Level, to represent the vigor of the newcomers. (Note: The number 0-6 on the life level index is the number of hexes/day that the party can travel. If the number drops to 0 then the party is stranded without resources--you'd better hope a wandering monster comes along, so you can kill it and eat it!)


In contrast to Hobbet Heroes (where most of the monsters encountered have been animal intelligence), Underworld Survival features a large number of intelligent underground civilizations and 'factions.' There are many opportunities for diplomacy and trade. We have some house rules for languages: Instead of a set list of languages, each faction speaks its own dialect, and PCs can attempt communication on a successful INT check. If they succeed then they get a score of 1 in the new language, and this skill can improve over time as the PC continues to interact with that civilization. Theoretically a PC could learn an infinite number of languages, if they spend enough time in the underworld.

Another core house rule is that I will be awarding experience points for economic activity. For example if the PCs establish a trade route, or dig a mine, or tap an oil well, I would definitely award xp for that. If the campaign runs long enough, for the PCs to reach domain/name level, it would be a given that they build their strongholds underground and rule over an underworld domain.

The campaign begins in a tavern on the surface. The PCs are surface-dwelling humans/dwarves/elves/halflings who are teaming up to investigate a treasure map. It's a strange map because, instead of showing north/south/east/west, it shows up and down. The map shows the major landmarks within 2 or 3 days' travel straight down. Below that, the players are on their own!

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 5:30 pm
by mushgnome
Alignment in the Underworld
(these house rules are a little more out there...)

Alignment in this game is not a moral compass. It is assumed that the PCs are the 'good guys' of the story, and that's that. With the exception of otherworldly creatures like angels and demons, no being has an inherently lawful/chaotic/good/evil nature. Every mortal PC and NPC in this game has free will and can weigh ethical decisions on a case-by-case basis. Clerics can cast reversed spells without restriction.

Rather, alignment measures the character's attunement to the Underworld. 'Lightful' characters are day-walking surface-dwellers. They are bumbling idiots in the underworld. They have higher chance of getting lost, and lower chance of foraging for resources. All PCs except dwarves begin the game as Lightful. 'Neutral' characters are capable of moving back and forth between the surface and underworld. Neutral is the 'vanilla' alignment with no significant bonuses or penalties. Neutral PCs have minor low-light vision meaning they can see twice as far as Lightful PCs by torch or lantern light. Dwarves begin the game as Neutral. 'Cave-adapted' is the opposite of Lightful. Cave-adapted characters could comfortably spend the rest of their lives underground, safe in their cozy tunnels. From their perspective, the sky is a terrifying void, and surface-dwellers are clinging to the precipice! Cave-adapted PCs have improved low-light vision and limited infravision. They have bonuses to foraging, finding the path, and INT checks to learn the language of a new culture. Cave-adapted creatures suffer great distress if forced to travel above ground, and take damage from direct exposure to sunlight on their skin!

Alignment is dynamic and will fluctuate over time. PCs will slowly trend toward cave-adaptation, unless they specifically take steps to counteract this process (such as returning to the surface periodically, or using continual light spell 'tanning beds.') The process of becoming cave-adapted usually takes anywhere from a month to a year, though it can be accelerated by certain magical or alchemical processes.

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 4:19 pm
by mushgnome
Hobbet Heroes 2023

Amazing to think we are in the 5th year of the campaign! Are we still having fun? Any tips/feedback/suggestions to make the campaign better? Are we still enjoying the 'caverns' style of dungeon? What about the 'all-hobbet' nature of the campaign? Are we still committed to that, or is it time to think about allowing the other PC races?

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 7:08 am
by Bastet1002
I guess I'm one of the newest players, and I want to give my thanks for taking me in your game and giving a such a great escape from our boring ordinary work lives. I think I mentioned some time back this year how I was quite interested in races like player goblins that are sort of a diminutive counterpart to Hobbits. Goblins wouldn't ordinarily adventure with Hobbits, but they could be stuck together against a common enemy! I think this inspiration came from reading Blueholme which also has a PC insectoid and a number of other monster playable characters all within a version of the Oe framework of rules (although more accurately refined 0e rules that expand on Holmes' original works). I've enjoyed the cavern exploration, and if I had any hopes for the campaign, it would be to expand some of the playable races (particularly monsters like goblins or insectoids), and maybe some more recurring NPCs. They could be enemies that keep cropping up, annoying ones that freeload on us (such as a leprechaun that keeps stealing our food instead of gold!), and ones that maybe even try to help us. Such NPCs could even drop hints rather than the GM dropping hints.

Anyways just a few thoughts for now! Have a great new years and look forward to more discussion on this and continuing a fun game with everyone!

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 3:06 pm
by kipper
I like the fact that all PCs are Hobbets, it really makes the campaign distinct and there is still a lot of variety amongst the characters nonetheless. If others want more variety, I'd rather see new playable classes added to the roster before new player races (not that I'm advocating for the former).

I'm still enjoying the underground exploration, I do prefer it more than the in-town activities (for example). The caverns also make it more unique, instead of just another dungeon.

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:47 pm
by mushgnome
I appreciate the feedback. Thank you!

@Bastet1002, so far I have deliberately avoided goblins and other humanoid types to this point, however I think the party might be very close to making 'first contact' with an intelligent faction!

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 10:01 pm
by mgtremaine
I thought we had goblins in the party... Oh my bad those are the NPC's. :lol:

My 2 cents on the game is... Onward! It's going great.

Happy New Year Everyone


Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 3:27 am
by mushgnome
Very funny, Mike! Happy New Year.

Credit where credit is due, this campaign would not be possible without the excellent maps by Tim Hartin of Paratime Designs. His maps are very affordable, only a few bucks on drivethrurpg, highly recommended if you need maps for your own campaigns. I really enjoy the three-dimensionality of these natural cavern maps, with all the crevasses and water features. I load the map into GIMP and then add a new 'layer' on top of the map layer. I call this top layer 'fog of war' and use the paintbucket tool to fill it with a textured pattern. Then as the party explores the caverns, I use the eraser tool, with soft airbrush settings, to erase the fog of war, revealing the map layer to the players. I really like this effect, of the light from the party's lantern pushing back the shadows.

Alright then, let's definitely keep the campaign hobbet-only, at least for the time being. Here are my proposed rules changes for 2023. Things are generally going very well on my end, so I only have two suggestions:

1. Add a couple of spells to the Druid spell list. 1st level: Read Magic (hint: potentially giving druids the ability to use clerical or MU spell-scrolls). 3rd level: Remove Curse for obvious reasons. Any other suggestions?

2. Level limits are silly. I can't think of any good reason not to give Hobbets unlimited advancement. Yay? Nay?

Re: Out Of Character

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 3:25 pm
by kipper
1. Sure, sounds good to me.
2. Sounds even better!

On another note, I'm going to be away from my computer from Jan 3 to Jan 9 and will not be posting during that time. I may or may not have time to check in one last time tomorrow morning before I leave.