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Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:02 am
by mushgnome
"I am but a Dwarf," says Urist. "My pleasures are simple things: enemies to best, caverns to explore, beasts to slay, riches to claim. I do not understand these riddles of ancient curses, 'shadow serpents' and Beach-Elves. Speak plainly to me, good Pixie people!"

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 5:21 am
by mgtremaine
Ilthilmir smiles at takes flight. "Well plainly there is an Elf at the entrance to these caves, she is not known to us, normally we would hide." he disappears but continues to speak. "I do not know what you will do. Go, Stay? it is up to you, I would like to hear your story but that is your choice. I shall not detain you and I'd rather appreciate if you did not detain us, we have a task here in the cave one that I hope someday to fulfill. Now perhaps if you could slay some those tentacled horrors it would make search for the Eye some what easier. "

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 6:15 am
by mushgnome
"Now you are speaking my language," agrees Urist. "Slaying tentacled horrors is something a Dwarf can really sink his teeth into. After we solve the mystery of the Beach Elf!"

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:23 pm
by ehiker133
Curious, Rhegaer asks, "What exactly IS your task here in these caves?"

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:46 pm
by mgtremaine
ehiker133 wrote:Curious, Rhegaer asks, "What exactly IS your task here in these caves?"
The End of Ilthilmir story:
Well the rest is pure folly, I fled down an old well into these caves but as I flew one of the tentacle horrors grabbed me and I dropped the Eye into the waters. I fought my way free but I have been searching for the Eye ever since. I gathered my Chorus from the lands around here and together we explore the darkness. I think you have witnessed this, hence the name the Cave of Lights, it is a trick that I have taught them to create the Starlight blooms which illuminates the dark waters.

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 3:15 pm
by ehiker133
| Sorry, must have missed that part. |

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 3:20 pm
by ehiker133
Rhegaer stops, "Do you mean there is a living elf at the entrance to the caves? Or can you not tell if she lives or has died?"

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 3:30 am
by okruse

"Ithilmir, you have been gracious, but perhaps it will be better to return when we have more of a story to tell, because I believe we are in the midst of ours. I for one would love to return to tell our tales after we rid these ruins of their evil. For now my heart tells me we should go speak with this elf maiden. What say you group?"

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:20 am
by mgtremaine
ooc: So at this point I'm assuming your are all piling onto the WaterLadder and paddling back to the entrance? No one has commented to Phadian so just let me know what you want done and I will push the plot along that way.

Re: 08 - Tor-Xonor: Sailing the Dark Waters

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:00 pm
by merias
Alrik agrees with Phadian. "Let us speak with this Elf maiden, and do not get our hopes up!"