Delve the Fourteenth

Makofan's Deep Dungeon Crawl PBP

Moderator: Makofan

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Post by Makofan » Sun Mar 03, 2024 3:04 pm

Re: Delve the Fourteenth

All seems quiet, and then he neatly picks the lock.

| Needs 3-6, rolls a 6 |

The door opens onto a 30' square room centered on the door. There is a small gleam of copper in the SW corner

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Location: Gibsons, BC, Canada

Post by kipper » Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:43 pm

Re: Delve the Fourteenth

Odd to lock a room with nothing inside but a bit of copper...

Maloof first looks up at the ceiling, then peers more intently at the SW corner. Does it look to be coins, or something else?

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Post by coffee » Tue Mar 05, 2024 4:17 am

Re: Delve the Fourteenth

If Maloof enters the room, Rhod will come along to cover him.

Otherwise, he'll wait outside.
[f=4]Karl the Fighter (M 9", AC 4/6, HD 1+2, FC Man+1, hp 9/9) mail+shield[/f]

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Post by Makofan » Tue Mar 05, 2024 12:58 pm

Re: Delve the Fourteenth

kipper wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:43 pm
Odd to lock a room with nothing inside but a bit of copper...

Maloof first looks up at the ceiling, then peers more intently at the SW corner. Does it look to be coins, or something else?
Hard to make out from here, but you think it might be a key

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Location: Gibsons, BC, Canada

Post by kipper » Tue Mar 05, 2024 1:45 pm

Re: Delve the Fourteenth

Maloof cautiously makes his way towards the key, watching the floor and ceiling especially. If he makes to the key without incident, he will pick it up.

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Post by Makofan » Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:56 pm

Re: Delve the Fourteenth

Maloof picks up the copper key, and nothing bad or catastrophic happens

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Location: Gibsons, BC, Canada

Post by kipper » Wed Mar 06, 2024 3:39 pm

Re: Delve the Fourteenth

Maloof looks around for any sign of a keyhole in the walls.

If he doesn't find anything, I think we should next head back north slightly and then east to the "red temple" then south and east to "room 18", and investigate the door on the east wall of room 18.

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Post by coffee » Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:59 am

Re: Delve the Fourteenth

I agree.
[f=4]Karl the Fighter (M 9", AC 4/6, HD 1+2, FC Man+1, hp 9/9) mail+shield[/f]

Posts: 2379
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Post by Makofan » Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:16 pm

Re: Delve the Fourteenth

Here is a refresher on room description

| The door opens onto a huge rooms with many pillars and exits. The floor of this room is littered with the shards of thousands of bits of broken crockery. There doesn't seem to be any way to walk across without the bits crunching under foot.

As you start to cross the room, your party makes a lot of noise. The far door bursts open, and five ghouls rush upon you. They are more than half way across the room before you can react
Ghouls rolls a 5 for surprise - success

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Location: Gibsons, BC, Canada

Post by kipper » Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:01 pm

Re: Delve the Fourteenth

Maloof fumbles for a vial of holy water, and hurls it at the ghouls.

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